Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tax Cuts Do Not Need To Be “Paid For”

Democrats are framing the tax cut debate by saying things like, “How will these tax cuts for the rich be paid for,” or, “Tax cuts for the rich paid for by the middle class.” This is infuriating class warfare, and it’s a desperate tactic, but so far conservatives have done a terrible job refuting the premise of the Democrat argument.

Their argument says two things very clearly: they are unwilling to reduce government spending, and they consider tax money as belonging to the government. The second point is the most insidious because they, the government, control how much money they take from the people who earn it.

Conservatives need to change the debate. Whenever a Democrat asks how a tax cut for the rich will be paid for, turn it around and ask them point blank, “How can you defend tax hikes on the producers in the economy when government spending is out of control? The premise that tax cuts need to be paid for implies spending cannot be reduced. Reject that premise! We should always be looking for ways to reduce government spending and allow hard-working Americans to keep more of the money they earn. Don’t pit people against each other – we’re all in this economy together, and when you take more from those who have achieved some modest financial prosperity then you tarnish the American dream!”

Challenge Democrats to defend all the egregious spending. Look at the headlines this week about government contracts for the Gulf cleanup effort. $52,000 for a “marine charter for things.” That’s more than most people make in a year! $90,000 for boat anchors, nearly $6 million for helicopter services – how many helicopters could they possibly need? And it goes on and on and on. That BP is getting the bill does not grant government a license to waste money. Remember last year, when “stimulus” money went to congressional districts that don’t even exist? Every American should be infuriated by this nonsense, regardless of political leanings!

What is the Democrat plan to pay for Social Security in the next thirty years? Don't tell me it's paid for, we all know the lockbox is empty. Will they just continue to raise taxes to fund broken programs? Change the debate - make Democrats answer for relentless government spending!

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