I must be slipping. I missed a golden chance to highlight the quintessential difference between Democrats and conservatives. Bara Bama said it himself. Economists say extending the Bush tax cuts to those who make more than $250,000 will cost $700 billion over the next decade.
It will cost the government money.
You see? Democrats, and our elected Campaigner-In-Chief, think of all of our money as belonging to the government. Like we're only borrowing it instead of the other way around.
The biggest problem with the current economic debate is that most Americans don't catch this critical difference in philosophy. Conservatives believe that those who earn are actually entitled to what they earn. Democrats and the government think that they are entitled to what is made by those who earned it. And if people start to catch on Democrats up the ante by framing those who earn as somehow having swindled their way to ill-gotten-gains, so better off the government takes it.
This is the essence of the Tea Party movement; the assertion that government doesn't earn anything, it only takes from those that do. And then who is government accountable to? Taxpayers? Yeah right. Voters? Hardly. Lobbyists? Sure, for the money, but the truth is that government is accountable only to the ideology that drives it. And that ideology is liberalism.
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