Friday, September 10, 2010

Our Desperate President

Bama's "Perfect example" of a failed policy that led us toward a depression is the Bush Tax cuts, which in the same breath he says he wants to make permanent for 97% of people. What a clown. But of course he can't say, "Bush Tax cuts" because then his lie would be exposed. He can only survive as a politician for both attacking Bush while taking credit for Bush's successes. He's also claiming as his own the Republican tax cuts included as part of the "stimulus". Democrats didn't want them but Republicans demanded it and held their ground. Now Bama is using that to highlight his good record on taxes. Yeah, right.

Now Democrats are saying extending the tax cuts to the remaining 3%, those making more than $250,000 a year, will cost the country $700 Billion over the next ten years. First of all, you can never, never, trust a Democrat with a number. But even if we again take that number at face value, it ignores the principle that almost all economists have come to understand, that the "wealthy" don't just stuff money into Swiss Bank accounts; they buy things and look to invest. If you allow them to keep their money they will use it! That's how the economy works, that's how innovation is is financed, and that's how jobs are created in healthy sectors.

Bama keeps saying Republicans will put us in reverse. WTF? Democrats are the ones in love with unsustainable manufacturing jobs because of their incestuous relationship with Unions. Those are the jobs that will cause this economy to fail. We can't go back there in a global economy. How can people not see that? Rational people do.

He keeps blaming the "determined minority" for his inability to do everything. Then he also demands leadership. What a loser. Donald Trump would have fired this guy day one.

Oh, and there's this looming agency whose sole responsibility it will be to "Protect families' financial transactions." Holy sh!t - that deserves a post in itself, but that stinks of Nanny State policy!

He just sounds so desperate, and he can't stop whining.

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