Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Once Caught a Fish Thiiiiiiis Big!!

Bama's telling some real whoppers tonight. First blame Bush for the economy and the wars, then take credit for Bush's initiatives to fix the credit crisis and pull out of Iraq.

By the way, if this live blogging sounds totally random, remember, I didn't write this crap speach.

Then claim the stimulus package has saved 2 million jobs - all in the public sector, except for 200,000 construction jobs - those great paying, mentally challenging, benefit rich... Oh wait, those jobs are none of that. And who's saying all those teachers, policemen, and firefighters would have been fired. Yeah right. What a bunch of crap.

And lets fine banks who haven't paid back stimulus money. Might as well just tax anyone for anything.

Harry Reid yawns.

Oh, but "lower taxes" but only on a bunch of people who aren't paying taxes anyway. Huh?

Here's his big job initiative - more construction jobs! Way to get people invested in their own futures with back-breaking work for low pay and few benefits. Might as well just add to that Social Security burden - how else do we keep people voting Democrat.

How much longer is this country going to last? I forgot to mention that last night on Rachel Maddow she had some jerk professor of economics saying the economy is fine as long as the US can keep borrowing indefinitely. Ok, so say I'm rich and you come to me and ask for $50, and offer to pay $2, and you do this every day. How long am I going to tolerate that? That's the way these liberal economists are apparently thinking. But if I'm that rich guy I put an end to that pretty quick and say pay me what you owe me or I'm gonna send Rocky to break a few of your fingers. How long before China says, "C'mon, you can't be serious asking for another trillion..."

Bama won't accept second place for the USA. Um, yeah, and who does? Liberals, apparently, so he's telling us he's a centrist. Yeah... sure you are. Anyway, more regulations coming your way, which means more bureaucracy, and more *cough* taxes *cough*. Oh, and lets be innovative while we're working those construction jobs. Clear message there - America has a working class and an intellectual class. Liberals clearly hold themselves as members of the intellectual elite, so that means anyone who doesn't agree with them better pickup that hammer and that sickle and get to work.

Bama knows it doesn't make sense to spend a whole bunch of money on new clean energy initiatives during a recession, but he's going to do it anyway because no one told him that the Global Warming data was fraudulent. How did he not get that memo? He was in Copenhagen twice last fall...

Shocker here - we need to export more. No shit, Sherlock. So how are we going to do that? By not "sitting on our hands while other nations sign trade agreements." That's total nonsense.

Ah yes, more liberal chapter headings. We need to focus on education - for those construction jobs, I guess. But Bama is having a competition among schools. Boy, I hope schools with a lot of well-off white kids don't kick ass like usual. That would look bad. Oh snap, that would just give the race-card carrying members of the Rainbow Coalition more ammunition to go after those darn rich white schools.

Holy crap - if you go to college and then go work for the government Bama will forgive your college loans. Good God! That's it. That's the end. His cover is completely blown. Bama wants to grow government, and he's taking unprecedented steps to make that happen. Will someone please ask who will get stuck with the bill for all those new government workers!!!! FUCK.

It's hard to go on after that H-bomb, but here comes a bunch of lies about health care. We're reminded that Bama reads lots of letters. From people he has no intention of helping by the way, because his reforms won't go into effect for 3 years. More Bama slight of hand. Here we go, millions of Americans will lose health coverage this year... Yeah, because your economic policy of devaluing the dollar and increasing pressure on businesses will cause corporations to lay those people off. Bama, YOU are causing this strife. Just get the hell out of the way and let free markets be free! You can't do anything but make things worse. And that BS about reform saving a trillion dollars over the next 20 years? That's the biggest fish story of the night.

Finally, lets blame Bush some more for the ills of the nation. But make sure we fudge the facts - the trillion dollars last year was mostly the bank bailout Bama supported. Was a fucking asshole this guy is. Human garbage. I hate that there are 100 million morons in this country too stupid to learn the facts so they end up believing all these lies. He just said his $15 billion freeze would pay for the trillion dollars he spent last year on stimulus. Can anyone reconcile that math?

He refuses to pass the debt on to another generation of Americans. Let that be the marker on his tombstone. Why doesn't he just promise everything for everyone?

Say, does anyone else notice how out of touch he is - making light of the skeptics of his policies while his regulations and spending have caused real strife in this country.

Did he just say, "Let's try common sense?" But he doesn't have any. I think that's code for, "Let's spend mooooooore money!" And all this will be paid by "Tax as you go." er, pay as you go. I guess that means he'll just keep printing money and borrowing froom the Chinese and taxing corporations into oblivion.

Can there be any doubt that 3 years from now this country will be so much worse off than it was a year ago tonight? No, there's no doubt.

I've had enough of this lying piece of shit. Time to watch season 3 of 24. Gotta love it when Jack Bauer tortures some a-hole terrorist. Now that's getting shit done!

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