Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Bank Tax? Are You F-ing Kidding Me?

The genius that is Campaigner-In-Chief Bara Bama has once again evidenced its tone-deafness when it comes to the economy.

In a purely political effort to turn the tide in Massachusetts, Bama has proposed a tax on banks that accepted TARP funds a year ago. The obvious ploy was a desperate attempt to sway the remaining undecideds and maybe simmer the blood of a few otherwise blase old Democrats using the tried but maybe no longer true class warfare strategy. Either people are starting to see through this scam, whereby Democrat politicians gin up contempt for evil corporations and the rich while eagerly accepting campaign contributions from the same groups they condemn, or Bama himself no longer has the ear of the people. But what of his self-professed "gift?"

It turns out health care was the number one issue for voters today - go figure - but this skulduggery cannot go unchallenged. Dems will certainly try to make hay of this bogus bank tax issue throughout the year leading to mid-terms, hoping against hope that class warfare still has teeth. Sounds like a political Hail Mary if there ever was one.

Here's the thing to remember about the bank tax - Bama, Geitner, and Bernancke wanted TARP badly, because they knew that when the money went to the banks with the special instruction to lend it out as credit, the economy could turn around, and it would happen in turn with Bama's other reforms and make it look like he fixed everything. So they supported it, and they knew damn well there was no stipulation in TARP requiring banks to pay that money back if they were unable to do so.

So the government has changed the rules in the middle of the game. Remember how incensed people were when bank executives used TARP money to give themselves huge bonuses? Bama and Geitner looked like mud, but most of the anger was directed toward the banks.

Now, one year later, the press has buried any connection between greedy banks and Bama, but has continued to stoke the flames against the banks. The purpose for this is so that Bama can now come in and propose a tax on them, and they're so greedy they deserve it, and who would oppose that??? When all along it was Bama who enabled the banks to behave as they did.

Republicans need to counterattack immediately with nothing short of the truth. Remind Americans what really happened - that Bama is responsible for this mess. He has yet to take responsibility for any of the myriad failures of his presidency - he needs to take it for this.

As for his tone deafness - who does he think will pay this tax? Sure it will come off the banks' accounting sheets, but where do the actual dollars come from to pay for it? Damn right - you and me. ALL COSTS ARE ULTIMATELY PAID BY THE CONSUMER, WHICH IS WHY ALL TAXES ON EVERYTHING IS PAID BY WORKING AMERICANS!!!

People need to be made to understand this point. Its the only hope this country has of surviving the Twenty-First Century.

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