Friday, January 29, 2010

Emperor Obama Speaks At Republicans

Reuters followed along as the Campaigner-In-Chief cut loose on Republic congressmen today at their annual retreat. His message was, "Let's work together," but only if that means voting for his crap and don't bother trying to promote any conservative ideas. Check it out:

At one point he even accuses someone of campaigning against him. God forbid, or at least, Obama forbid. The hypocrite-in-chief spoke from a giant screen. It's like 1984, seriously.

Remember in late July, I think it was, when Bama gave his nationally televised press conference on health care, and he praised Republicans for their contributions, including tort reform? Has anyone heard word one about tort reform in the last six months? Of course not, because only Republican votes are tolerated, not their ideas. He accuses them onf not working with Democrats. That's pretty hard to do when Harry Reid locks his office door and hashes out the entire bill without any Republican participation. If you jackasses can't stomach debate, then you don't get to blame us for not being part of the process when you lock us out of the decision-making!

So Bama wants Republicans to vote for his ideas, so that when they all fail he can't be held totally responsible, and he is apparently willing to blame Bush for everything for the entire length of his term in office.

Bara Bama is a true coward. He does not know the meaning of the word "compromise", yet he expects capitulation, and has made it clear that the media arm of the Democrat party will back him up. What a dirtbag, but then what would anyone expect from a Chicago politician. Same old politics as usual. Is this what you voted for, kids?

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