Reuters followed along as the Campaigner-In-Chief cut loose on Republic congressmen today at their annual retreat. His message was, "Let's work together," but only if that means voting for his crap and don't bother trying to promote any conservative ideas. Check it out:
At one point he even accuses someone of campaigning against him. God forbid, or at least, Obama forbid. The hypocrite-in-chief spoke from a giant screen. It's like 1984, seriously.
Remember in late July, I think it was, when Bama gave his nationally televised press conference on health care, and he praised Republicans for their contributions, including tort reform? Has anyone heard word one about tort reform in the last six months? Of course not, because only Republican votes are tolerated, not their ideas. He accuses them onf not working with Democrats. That's pretty hard to do when Harry Reid locks his office door and hashes out the entire bill without any Republican participation. If you jackasses can't stomach debate, then you don't get to blame us for not being part of the process when you lock us out of the decision-making!
So Bama wants Republicans to vote for his ideas, so that when they all fail he can't be held totally responsible, and he is apparently willing to blame Bush for everything for the entire length of his term in office.
Bara Bama is a true coward. He does not know the meaning of the word "compromise", yet he expects capitulation, and has made it clear that the media arm of the Democrat party will back him up. What a dirtbag, but then what would anyone expect from a Chicago politician. Same old politics as usual. Is this what you voted for, kids?
Friday, January 29, 2010
The Irony Of Good News
GDP rose at a greater rate than expected in Q4, and what lead that expansion? Corporations.
It's amazing how Bama and Democrats can so vilify corporations, the engine of the economy, in one breath, and then go out and trumpet the turnaround in the economy under their leadership in the next.
Well guess what, you can't have it both ways. I work for a company that is incorporated outside the United States for tax purposes, and if Bama starts hammering corporations - he's already threatening to do it to banks - with more taxes or penalties or red tape, then more companies will incorporate somewhere else. This is the essence of globalization, and its why Democrats antiquated ways of thinking about tax revenues don't work. Unlike our bloated government, corporations need to reduce costs wherever possible - they can't just print money. And when the government increases the tax burden, a company in trouble can shed that cost by seeking greener pastures. That's why Bush' tax cuts worked in the last decade - Tax "revenues" were at all-time highs, and unemployment was at all-time lows. President Bush created a business-friendly environment at home. Democrats and the media have already deleted these facts from history and most of our minds with their endless war on Bush, which is still a key play in Bama's campaign, as evidenced Wednesday night.
By the way, how come we're not hearing anything about the Bush tax cuts which are set to expire this year? Democrats have no interest in extending them, instead offering credits to people who already don't pay taxes anyway. That's just more burden on the rest of us! I remember now - Bama gave us all a tax break of about $13 last year in the "stimulus". Great. That's meaningful change we can believe in. But it's not permanent, so they shouldn't call that "cutting taxes." Again, it's a one time credit, mostly to people who didn't pay any income taxes.
Anyway, the GDP is good news, but it will be sickening to watch Democrats spin it as a victory for their ideology when the opposite is true.
It's amazing how Bama and Democrats can so vilify corporations, the engine of the economy, in one breath, and then go out and trumpet the turnaround in the economy under their leadership in the next.
Well guess what, you can't have it both ways. I work for a company that is incorporated outside the United States for tax purposes, and if Bama starts hammering corporations - he's already threatening to do it to banks - with more taxes or penalties or red tape, then more companies will incorporate somewhere else. This is the essence of globalization, and its why Democrats antiquated ways of thinking about tax revenues don't work. Unlike our bloated government, corporations need to reduce costs wherever possible - they can't just print money. And when the government increases the tax burden, a company in trouble can shed that cost by seeking greener pastures. That's why Bush' tax cuts worked in the last decade - Tax "revenues" were at all-time highs, and unemployment was at all-time lows. President Bush created a business-friendly environment at home. Democrats and the media have already deleted these facts from history and most of our minds with their endless war on Bush, which is still a key play in Bama's campaign, as evidenced Wednesday night.
By the way, how come we're not hearing anything about the Bush tax cuts which are set to expire this year? Democrats have no interest in extending them, instead offering credits to people who already don't pay taxes anyway. That's just more burden on the rest of us! I remember now - Bama gave us all a tax break of about $13 last year in the "stimulus". Great. That's meaningful change we can believe in. But it's not permanent, so they shouldn't call that "cutting taxes." Again, it's a one time credit, mostly to people who didn't pay any income taxes.
Anyway, the GDP is good news, but it will be sickening to watch Democrats spin it as a victory for their ideology when the opposite is true.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
And In This Corner...
Ok, less than 12 hours after Bama promised to freeze agency spending his cronies in the Senate killed a bill that would do essentially the same thing. That sets up a fight between the Campaigner-In-Chief and Congress over budgeting. Bama also promised to veto any bill where his proposal is exceeded, so lets see what he does when the paper hits his desk.
My bet is he was never sincere in the first place, and will sign anything put in front of him. I can hardly wait for the litany of lies he tells in his next State of the Union.
My bet is he was never sincere in the first place, and will sign anything put in front of him. I can hardly wait for the litany of lies he tells in his next State of the Union.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Bama The Unabashed Lefty
In retrospect, Bama gave another campaign speech tonight to his lefty disciples. It was basically "stay the liberal course" and don't be afraid of the people, who hate you. I don't understand how his handlers could have miscalculated the public mood so disastrously, except that it's a certainty that everyone around him actually thinks he's the chosen one, capable only of absolute good. Wake up, people!!
Luckily, almost no one is as liberal as this ass-clown, and November should be more proof of that. And that will be in spite of the all-out media campaign by the "unbiased free press" on behalf of Democrats. Unlike 2008, when millions of brainwashed teenagers and early twenty-somethings cast votes without any idea of what their vote would mean long term, this November should be the time for the voice of the people who actually pay the bills and make this country work to be heard.
God willing.
Luckily, almost no one is as liberal as this ass-clown, and November should be more proof of that. And that will be in spite of the all-out media campaign by the "unbiased free press" on behalf of Democrats. Unlike 2008, when millions of brainwashed teenagers and early twenty-somethings cast votes without any idea of what their vote would mean long term, this November should be the time for the voice of the people who actually pay the bills and make this country work to be heard.
God willing.
The Perpetual Campaign
I can't believe the Campaigner-In-Chief just said that we can't wage a "perpetual campaign."
That's the absolute height of hypocrisy. How dare this guy tell Americans what they're sick and tired of. He has no damn clue that it's him we're sick of. Somebody show this tool a recent poll.
That's right, he just challenged Republicans to take responsibility for inaction. Uhh, 59 votes not enough for you anymore? Maybe if your proposals weren't total liberal, pseudo-communist bullshit, there would be something conservatives could work with, but no, it's all garbage. What does anyone expect? There's no way Republicans will be caught dead endorsing these self-destructive policies. Let the Democrats hang themselves. Literally.
Oh crap, he just said he's not interested in blaming anyone for the past - what the fuck? That means he thinks he's above all blame, but look, he sure can be magnanimous. Never mind all those slams against Bush and Republicans he just said.
By the way, the Cold War is back on. Bama just said so with his Nuke nonsense. Yeah, lets see him sell this to Iran. Sorry, Israel, you're just going to have to trust Bama on this...
I'm not sure he said anything substantive tonight. Not one thing. Just a bunch of hot air and hope and no substance. Bama personified.
Three more years of this? Seriously?
That's the absolute height of hypocrisy. How dare this guy tell Americans what they're sick and tired of. He has no damn clue that it's him we're sick of. Somebody show this tool a recent poll.
That's right, he just challenged Republicans to take responsibility for inaction. Uhh, 59 votes not enough for you anymore? Maybe if your proposals weren't total liberal, pseudo-communist bullshit, there would be something conservatives could work with, but no, it's all garbage. What does anyone expect? There's no way Republicans will be caught dead endorsing these self-destructive policies. Let the Democrats hang themselves. Literally.
Oh crap, he just said he's not interested in blaming anyone for the past - what the fuck? That means he thinks he's above all blame, but look, he sure can be magnanimous. Never mind all those slams against Bush and Republicans he just said.
By the way, the Cold War is back on. Bama just said so with his Nuke nonsense. Yeah, lets see him sell this to Iran. Sorry, Israel, you're just going to have to trust Bama on this...
I'm not sure he said anything substantive tonight. Not one thing. Just a bunch of hot air and hope and no substance. Bama personified.
Three more years of this? Seriously?
I Once Caught a Fish Thiiiiiiis Big!!
Bama's telling some real whoppers tonight. First blame Bush for the economy and the wars, then take credit for Bush's initiatives to fix the credit crisis and pull out of Iraq.
By the way, if this live blogging sounds totally random, remember, I didn't write this crap speach.
Then claim the stimulus package has saved 2 million jobs - all in the public sector, except for 200,000 construction jobs - those great paying, mentally challenging, benefit rich... Oh wait, those jobs are none of that. And who's saying all those teachers, policemen, and firefighters would have been fired. Yeah right. What a bunch of crap.
And lets fine banks who haven't paid back stimulus money. Might as well just tax anyone for anything.
Harry Reid yawns.
Oh, but "lower taxes" but only on a bunch of people who aren't paying taxes anyway. Huh?
Here's his big job initiative - more construction jobs! Way to get people invested in their own futures with back-breaking work for low pay and few benefits. Might as well just add to that Social Security burden - how else do we keep people voting Democrat.
How much longer is this country going to last? I forgot to mention that last night on Rachel Maddow she had some jerk professor of economics saying the economy is fine as long as the US can keep borrowing indefinitely. Ok, so say I'm rich and you come to me and ask for $50, and offer to pay $2, and you do this every day. How long am I going to tolerate that? That's the way these liberal economists are apparently thinking. But if I'm that rich guy I put an end to that pretty quick and say pay me what you owe me or I'm gonna send Rocky to break a few of your fingers. How long before China says, "C'mon, you can't be serious asking for another trillion..."
Bama won't accept second place for the USA. Um, yeah, and who does? Liberals, apparently, so he's telling us he's a centrist. Yeah... sure you are. Anyway, more regulations coming your way, which means more bureaucracy, and more *cough* taxes *cough*. Oh, and lets be innovative while we're working those construction jobs. Clear message there - America has a working class and an intellectual class. Liberals clearly hold themselves as members of the intellectual elite, so that means anyone who doesn't agree with them better pickup that hammer and that sickle and get to work.
Bama knows it doesn't make sense to spend a whole bunch of money on new clean energy initiatives during a recession, but he's going to do it anyway because no one told him that the Global Warming data was fraudulent. How did he not get that memo? He was in Copenhagen twice last fall...
Shocker here - we need to export more. No shit, Sherlock. So how are we going to do that? By not "sitting on our hands while other nations sign trade agreements." That's total nonsense.
Ah yes, more liberal chapter headings. We need to focus on education - for those construction jobs, I guess. But Bama is having a competition among schools. Boy, I hope schools with a lot of well-off white kids don't kick ass like usual. That would look bad. Oh snap, that would just give the race-card carrying members of the Rainbow Coalition more ammunition to go after those darn rich white schools.
Holy crap - if you go to college and then go work for the government Bama will forgive your college loans. Good God! That's it. That's the end. His cover is completely blown. Bama wants to grow government, and he's taking unprecedented steps to make that happen. Will someone please ask who will get stuck with the bill for all those new government workers!!!! FUCK.
It's hard to go on after that H-bomb, but here comes a bunch of lies about health care. We're reminded that Bama reads lots of letters. From people he has no intention of helping by the way, because his reforms won't go into effect for 3 years. More Bama slight of hand. Here we go, millions of Americans will lose health coverage this year... Yeah, because your economic policy of devaluing the dollar and increasing pressure on businesses will cause corporations to lay those people off. Bama, YOU are causing this strife. Just get the hell out of the way and let free markets be free! You can't do anything but make things worse. And that BS about reform saving a trillion dollars over the next 20 years? That's the biggest fish story of the night.
Finally, lets blame Bush some more for the ills of the nation. But make sure we fudge the facts - the trillion dollars last year was mostly the bank bailout Bama supported. Was a fucking asshole this guy is. Human garbage. I hate that there are 100 million morons in this country too stupid to learn the facts so they end up believing all these lies. He just said his $15 billion freeze would pay for the trillion dollars he spent last year on stimulus. Can anyone reconcile that math?
He refuses to pass the debt on to another generation of Americans. Let that be the marker on his tombstone. Why doesn't he just promise everything for everyone?
Say, does anyone else notice how out of touch he is - making light of the skeptics of his policies while his regulations and spending have caused real strife in this country.
Did he just say, "Let's try common sense?" But he doesn't have any. I think that's code for, "Let's spend mooooooore money!" And all this will be paid by "Tax as you go." er, pay as you go. I guess that means he'll just keep printing money and borrowing froom the Chinese and taxing corporations into oblivion.
Can there be any doubt that 3 years from now this country will be so much worse off than it was a year ago tonight? No, there's no doubt.
I've had enough of this lying piece of shit. Time to watch season 3 of 24. Gotta love it when Jack Bauer tortures some a-hole terrorist. Now that's getting shit done!
By the way, if this live blogging sounds totally random, remember, I didn't write this crap speach.
Then claim the stimulus package has saved 2 million jobs - all in the public sector, except for 200,000 construction jobs - those great paying, mentally challenging, benefit rich... Oh wait, those jobs are none of that. And who's saying all those teachers, policemen, and firefighters would have been fired. Yeah right. What a bunch of crap.
And lets fine banks who haven't paid back stimulus money. Might as well just tax anyone for anything.
Harry Reid yawns.
Oh, but "lower taxes" but only on a bunch of people who aren't paying taxes anyway. Huh?
Here's his big job initiative - more construction jobs! Way to get people invested in their own futures with back-breaking work for low pay and few benefits. Might as well just add to that Social Security burden - how else do we keep people voting Democrat.
How much longer is this country going to last? I forgot to mention that last night on Rachel Maddow she had some jerk professor of economics saying the economy is fine as long as the US can keep borrowing indefinitely. Ok, so say I'm rich and you come to me and ask for $50, and offer to pay $2, and you do this every day. How long am I going to tolerate that? That's the way these liberal economists are apparently thinking. But if I'm that rich guy I put an end to that pretty quick and say pay me what you owe me or I'm gonna send Rocky to break a few of your fingers. How long before China says, "C'mon, you can't be serious asking for another trillion..."
Bama won't accept second place for the USA. Um, yeah, and who does? Liberals, apparently, so he's telling us he's a centrist. Yeah... sure you are. Anyway, more regulations coming your way, which means more bureaucracy, and more *cough* taxes *cough*. Oh, and lets be innovative while we're working those construction jobs. Clear message there - America has a working class and an intellectual class. Liberals clearly hold themselves as members of the intellectual elite, so that means anyone who doesn't agree with them better pickup that hammer and that sickle and get to work.
Bama knows it doesn't make sense to spend a whole bunch of money on new clean energy initiatives during a recession, but he's going to do it anyway because no one told him that the Global Warming data was fraudulent. How did he not get that memo? He was in Copenhagen twice last fall...
Shocker here - we need to export more. No shit, Sherlock. So how are we going to do that? By not "sitting on our hands while other nations sign trade agreements." That's total nonsense.
Ah yes, more liberal chapter headings. We need to focus on education - for those construction jobs, I guess. But Bama is having a competition among schools. Boy, I hope schools with a lot of well-off white kids don't kick ass like usual. That would look bad. Oh snap, that would just give the race-card carrying members of the Rainbow Coalition more ammunition to go after those darn rich white schools.
Holy crap - if you go to college and then go work for the government Bama will forgive your college loans. Good God! That's it. That's the end. His cover is completely blown. Bama wants to grow government, and he's taking unprecedented steps to make that happen. Will someone please ask who will get stuck with the bill for all those new government workers!!!! FUCK.
It's hard to go on after that H-bomb, but here comes a bunch of lies about health care. We're reminded that Bama reads lots of letters. From people he has no intention of helping by the way, because his reforms won't go into effect for 3 years. More Bama slight of hand. Here we go, millions of Americans will lose health coverage this year... Yeah, because your economic policy of devaluing the dollar and increasing pressure on businesses will cause corporations to lay those people off. Bama, YOU are causing this strife. Just get the hell out of the way and let free markets be free! You can't do anything but make things worse. And that BS about reform saving a trillion dollars over the next 20 years? That's the biggest fish story of the night.
Finally, lets blame Bush some more for the ills of the nation. But make sure we fudge the facts - the trillion dollars last year was mostly the bank bailout Bama supported. Was a fucking asshole this guy is. Human garbage. I hate that there are 100 million morons in this country too stupid to learn the facts so they end up believing all these lies. He just said his $15 billion freeze would pay for the trillion dollars he spent last year on stimulus. Can anyone reconcile that math?
He refuses to pass the debt on to another generation of Americans. Let that be the marker on his tombstone. Why doesn't he just promise everything for everyone?
Say, does anyone else notice how out of touch he is - making light of the skeptics of his policies while his regulations and spending have caused real strife in this country.
Did he just say, "Let's try common sense?" But he doesn't have any. I think that's code for, "Let's spend mooooooore money!" And all this will be paid by "Tax as you go." er, pay as you go. I guess that means he'll just keep printing money and borrowing froom the Chinese and taxing corporations into oblivion.
Can there be any doubt that 3 years from now this country will be so much worse off than it was a year ago tonight? No, there's no doubt.
I've had enough of this lying piece of shit. Time to watch season 3 of 24. Gotta love it when Jack Bauer tortures some a-hole terrorist. Now that's getting shit done!
Obama: Mr. Freeze
In his latest desperate attempt to revive an economy he knows nothing about, Bama has stolen the idea to freeze agency budgets for the next 3 years. This has sent liberals into a tailspin. Last night Rachel Maddow likened the idea to driving all the way down the football field only to punt at the 1 yard line. Rachel Maddow doesn't know very much about football; her analogy is indecipherable, unless she's suggesting that some massive amount of progress has been made as a result of last years spending binge, and now this almost insignificant freeze will undo all of that.
It's hard for any rational-thinking person to see it the way she and like-minded liberals do. What progress? The economy is still in shambles - look at the job numbers, not the stock market. Stocks are a house of cards without jobs. And nobody punts at the opponents 1 yard line, that's just a stupid thing to say. She went on to trounce Bama, who's getting no love from anyone right now, by saying he's given in to the "inane" Republican idea that less government spending can help an economy in which the only spending is by the government.
First of all, Bama's little freeze on agency budgets amounts to about 1% of the budget. I hardly think that is a substantive amount of government spending. Also, he's only talking about a freeze, not cuts. Of course to Democrats, any reduction of the annual increase in spending is a cut. Maddow doesn't understand that Republicans, or at least the conservatives, want a real reduction in government. How about putting a hard deadline on Social Security, say anyone 50 years and older is eligible, and once they're all dead SS goes away forever. Viola! I just saved taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars. Now what will they do with that money. Oh, probably stuff it into mattresses or burn it for heat I'm sure. See, Democrats lack the ability to follow the point to its logical conclusion. A lot of this is because they don't trust free markets because they've been conditioned to not trust the leaders of enterprise in this country. It all goes back to class warfare. I wonder now if Bama and Geitner intentinally left the door open for executive payouts from the bailout just to propogate class warfare zeal.
I, for one, am delighted with Bama's freeze. It's wildly unpopular, which hurts him politically and will make everything else he tries to do more difficult, and it is something, even if it's almost nothing. That's actually a good summation of the man himself!
It's hard for any rational-thinking person to see it the way she and like-minded liberals do. What progress? The economy is still in shambles - look at the job numbers, not the stock market. Stocks are a house of cards without jobs. And nobody punts at the opponents 1 yard line, that's just a stupid thing to say. She went on to trounce Bama, who's getting no love from anyone right now, by saying he's given in to the "inane" Republican idea that less government spending can help an economy in which the only spending is by the government.
First of all, Bama's little freeze on agency budgets amounts to about 1% of the budget. I hardly think that is a substantive amount of government spending. Also, he's only talking about a freeze, not cuts. Of course to Democrats, any reduction of the annual increase in spending is a cut. Maddow doesn't understand that Republicans, or at least the conservatives, want a real reduction in government. How about putting a hard deadline on Social Security, say anyone 50 years and older is eligible, and once they're all dead SS goes away forever. Viola! I just saved taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars. Now what will they do with that money. Oh, probably stuff it into mattresses or burn it for heat I'm sure. See, Democrats lack the ability to follow the point to its logical conclusion. A lot of this is because they don't trust free markets because they've been conditioned to not trust the leaders of enterprise in this country. It all goes back to class warfare. I wonder now if Bama and Geitner intentinally left the door open for executive payouts from the bailout just to propogate class warfare zeal.
I, for one, am delighted with Bama's freeze. It's wildly unpopular, which hurts him politically and will make everything else he tries to do more difficult, and it is something, even if it's almost nothing. That's actually a good summation of the man himself!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
More "Fiscal Responsibility" From Democrats
Just last fall Democrats voted to increase the debt limit by $1 Trillion dollars, and when that couldn't even get them to Christmas, they added another $290 Billion on top so they could rest easy knowing they had taken one last shot at communism before the new year.
Well crap, it seems the USA has run up all its plastic and now needs to borrow even more money to pay its bills - ANOTHER $2 TRILLION!
That's such a staggering number I can only believe it because Democrats are writing the checks. The party that in 2008 claimed to know how to save the economy and which would act responsibly with our money (or the government's money, as they see it), that party of Democrats, who against all history and reason convinced a majority of Americans that they could control spending and stimulate economic growth, took no time at all to show their true colors as spend, spend, spend Democrats. Like a New Jersey trophy wife shopping for a new wardrobe for her upcoming stint on reality TV, Democrats have spent with total disregard for where the money came from or if there is any money at all to pay for their purchases.
In the ONE YEAR since Bama took office, Democrats are on the verge of having spent...
$7 TRILLION DOLLARS!! That's HALF GDP!!! And DOUBLE what Bush spent in 2008, which included the bank bailout.
What in the hell are they doing???
In defense of this debt limit increase, Democrats would probably say: "The only alternatives are to raise taxes or default. Is that what you want?" To which my response would be, "NO, IDIOT, I WANT YOU TO REDUCE EXPENDITURES AND CUT COSTS!"
But no, these are Democrats we're dealing with here; "Fiscal responsibility" was a charade all along, and deep down everyone knew it.
So maybe the Senate will fail to pass this thing, now that the Republicans have their 41st vote. That would be interesting, and I'm sure Dems would use it against them in the fall, saying, "Republicans caused the USA to default for the first time..." When the real story is that Democrat spending caused us to default and probably lose our credit rating.
I really think this is the most important story out there. Health care is almost cover for the fact that Democrats are very quickly spending this country to insolvency. And for what end? I haven't figured that out yet - not sure how this fits into their master control plan to achieve communism. Maybe they are just trying to position themselves for massive tax increases on almost everyone. That seems likely. That will probably happen in 2013 after Bama - they hope - gets re-elected. Doing it before then cripples his chances. I would argue his odds are worse than even, and not going to get better on any of today's news.
Well crap, it seems the USA has run up all its plastic and now needs to borrow even more money to pay its bills - ANOTHER $2 TRILLION!
That's such a staggering number I can only believe it because Democrats are writing the checks. The party that in 2008 claimed to know how to save the economy and which would act responsibly with our money (or the government's money, as they see it), that party of Democrats, who against all history and reason convinced a majority of Americans that they could control spending and stimulate economic growth, took no time at all to show their true colors as spend, spend, spend Democrats. Like a New Jersey trophy wife shopping for a new wardrobe for her upcoming stint on reality TV, Democrats have spent with total disregard for where the money came from or if there is any money at all to pay for their purchases.
In the ONE YEAR since Bama took office, Democrats are on the verge of having spent...
$7 TRILLION DOLLARS!! That's HALF GDP!!! And DOUBLE what Bush spent in 2008, which included the bank bailout.
What in the hell are they doing???
In defense of this debt limit increase, Democrats would probably say: "The only alternatives are to raise taxes or default. Is that what you want?" To which my response would be, "NO, IDIOT, I WANT YOU TO REDUCE EXPENDITURES AND CUT COSTS!"
But no, these are Democrats we're dealing with here; "Fiscal responsibility" was a charade all along, and deep down everyone knew it.
So maybe the Senate will fail to pass this thing, now that the Republicans have their 41st vote. That would be interesting, and I'm sure Dems would use it against them in the fall, saying, "Republicans caused the USA to default for the first time..." When the real story is that Democrat spending caused us to default and probably lose our credit rating.
I really think this is the most important story out there. Health care is almost cover for the fact that Democrats are very quickly spending this country to insolvency. And for what end? I haven't figured that out yet - not sure how this fits into their master control plan to achieve communism. Maybe they are just trying to position themselves for massive tax increases on almost everyone. That seems likely. That will probably happen in 2013 after Bama - they hope - gets re-elected. Doing it before then cripples his chances. I would argue his odds are worse than even, and not going to get better on any of today's news.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
A Bank Tax? Are You F-ing Kidding Me?
The genius that is Campaigner-In-Chief Bara Bama has once again evidenced its tone-deafness when it comes to the economy.
In a purely political effort to turn the tide in Massachusetts, Bama has proposed a tax on banks that accepted TARP funds a year ago. The obvious ploy was a desperate attempt to sway the remaining undecideds and maybe simmer the blood of a few otherwise blase old Democrats using the tried but maybe no longer true class warfare strategy. Either people are starting to see through this scam, whereby Democrat politicians gin up contempt for evil corporations and the rich while eagerly accepting campaign contributions from the same groups they condemn, or Bama himself no longer has the ear of the people. But what of his self-professed "gift?"
It turns out health care was the number one issue for voters today - go figure - but this skulduggery cannot go unchallenged. Dems will certainly try to make hay of this bogus bank tax issue throughout the year leading to mid-terms, hoping against hope that class warfare still has teeth. Sounds like a political Hail Mary if there ever was one.
Here's the thing to remember about the bank tax - Bama, Geitner, and Bernancke wanted TARP badly, because they knew that when the money went to the banks with the special instruction to lend it out as credit, the economy could turn around, and it would happen in turn with Bama's other reforms and make it look like he fixed everything. So they supported it, and they knew damn well there was no stipulation in TARP requiring banks to pay that money back if they were unable to do so.
So the government has changed the rules in the middle of the game. Remember how incensed people were when bank executives used TARP money to give themselves huge bonuses? Bama and Geitner looked like mud, but most of the anger was directed toward the banks.
Now, one year later, the press has buried any connection between greedy banks and Bama, but has continued to stoke the flames against the banks. The purpose for this is so that Bama can now come in and propose a tax on them, and they're so greedy they deserve it, and who would oppose that??? When all along it was Bama who enabled the banks to behave as they did.
Republicans need to counterattack immediately with nothing short of the truth. Remind Americans what really happened - that Bama is responsible for this mess. He has yet to take responsibility for any of the myriad failures of his presidency - he needs to take it for this.
As for his tone deafness - who does he think will pay this tax? Sure it will come off the banks' accounting sheets, but where do the actual dollars come from to pay for it? Damn right - you and me. ALL COSTS ARE ULTIMATELY PAID BY THE CONSUMER, WHICH IS WHY ALL TAXES ON EVERYTHING IS PAID BY WORKING AMERICANS!!!
People need to be made to understand this point. Its the only hope this country has of surviving the Twenty-First Century.
In a purely political effort to turn the tide in Massachusetts, Bama has proposed a tax on banks that accepted TARP funds a year ago. The obvious ploy was a desperate attempt to sway the remaining undecideds and maybe simmer the blood of a few otherwise blase old Democrats using the tried but maybe no longer true class warfare strategy. Either people are starting to see through this scam, whereby Democrat politicians gin up contempt for evil corporations and the rich while eagerly accepting campaign contributions from the same groups they condemn, or Bama himself no longer has the ear of the people. But what of his self-professed "gift?"
It turns out health care was the number one issue for voters today - go figure - but this skulduggery cannot go unchallenged. Dems will certainly try to make hay of this bogus bank tax issue throughout the year leading to mid-terms, hoping against hope that class warfare still has teeth. Sounds like a political Hail Mary if there ever was one.
Here's the thing to remember about the bank tax - Bama, Geitner, and Bernancke wanted TARP badly, because they knew that when the money went to the banks with the special instruction to lend it out as credit, the economy could turn around, and it would happen in turn with Bama's other reforms and make it look like he fixed everything. So they supported it, and they knew damn well there was no stipulation in TARP requiring banks to pay that money back if they were unable to do so.
So the government has changed the rules in the middle of the game. Remember how incensed people were when bank executives used TARP money to give themselves huge bonuses? Bama and Geitner looked like mud, but most of the anger was directed toward the banks.
Now, one year later, the press has buried any connection between greedy banks and Bama, but has continued to stoke the flames against the banks. The purpose for this is so that Bama can now come in and propose a tax on them, and they're so greedy they deserve it, and who would oppose that??? When all along it was Bama who enabled the banks to behave as they did.
Republicans need to counterattack immediately with nothing short of the truth. Remind Americans what really happened - that Bama is responsible for this mess. He has yet to take responsibility for any of the myriad failures of his presidency - he needs to take it for this.
As for his tone deafness - who does he think will pay this tax? Sure it will come off the banks' accounting sheets, but where do the actual dollars come from to pay for it? Damn right - you and me. ALL COSTS ARE ULTIMATELY PAID BY THE CONSUMER, WHICH IS WHY ALL TAXES ON EVERYTHING IS PAID BY WORKING AMERICANS!!!
People need to be made to understand this point. Its the only hope this country has of surviving the Twenty-First Century.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Americans Hate Their Jobs
Here's the "story":
You can read the story, but this chick at AP has it all wrong. The study itself is fundamentally flawed, since it focuses on money and cost of health care as primary factors. The article even cites concern for the growing cost of health care as a top 3 concern, but totally fails to mention that taxes account for by far the greatest percentage of money taken out of our pockets, but then we’re all supposed to be happy little taxpayers!
I believe I was actually part of this study or one like it – I’m a member of Gallup and remember taking at least one job satisfaction survey in the last six months, so I can tell you for a fact that the questions only scratch the surface and do not probe to any depth the true causes of job dissatisfaction in this country.
While I admit I’d like to be paid more, I would have a difficult time putting a price tag on my contributions at work, so how much “more” is enough?. Pay is all relative, but the Left’s continued class warfare campaign has taught us that people who make more than us don’t deserve it and probably do less work. That argument gives zero credit for experience, personal motivation, professional acumen, or behavior, but again, none of those qualities elicits an emotional reaction, so liberals are incapable of comprehending why they are valuable. I have no problem with the fact that my boss, who is younger than me, makes more money than I do. He clearly has worked hard for his position and has a great deal of expertise, motivation, and leadership qualities that absolutely should be rewarded. The fact that I’m older than him is irrelevant. Nevertheless, today’s entitlement mentality tells us we are all worth more than we’re currently being paid, regardless of our relative reimbursement. What is absolutely true is that people who are well-paid are over-taxed relative to the amount of services they consume compared to those who earn significantly less money. In this way government’s intrusion into our economy creates a negative incentive to work hard and be more productive. Politicians pit one group against the other, creating stress and tension in the workplace where those who earn less envy those who earn more, and government taxes the higher-achievers, creating animosity among those who succeed toward those who are not motivated to achieve beyond their lesser circumstance.
Envy and animosity are the cause of the problem of pay, and it is clearly an artificial cause created by Democrats for the purpose of gaining power and controlling people’s lives. For the last 2 years the media has campaigned recklessly on the idea that health insurance is crippling American workers, when the average person pays less than $76 a month for health insurance, while they pay as much as 33% or more of their gross income in taxes!
Another finding from this study is that young people are the most dissatisfied, primarily for being underpaid and not challenged by the work. Well it’s a good thing that Bama and the Democrats just spent a Trillion dollars creating thousands of low paying construction jobs! Twenty-something’s who are grumpy about their jobs have only themselves to blame for voting in Democrats who don’t trust free markets to create higher-paying, stimulating jobs. Democrats cater to unions, many of which trowel the manufacturing sector for what few jobs are still out there, despite the reality of global competition. Union jobs are the least satisfying, as envy is integral to the union “Us vs Them” mentality. How can anyone be happy working under such conditions? Again, liberals maintain this environment in order to control votes.
Liberalism is ultimately to blame. Class warfare, three generations of increasingly entitlement-minded young people, and the pervasive scope of government into every aspect of our lives has replaced the moral and ethical compunction to work in order to provide for one’s family and fulfill one’s part in the implied contract with the community. Government has stepped in and removed our need to create for ourselves a sense of self-worth and self respect. We must all be made to be equal so that the playing field is level for all. No one can be allowed to achieve to great heights on his own merit, for surely that was accomplished at the expense of others. Given these obnoxious attitudes toward working and work, it’s more important than ever for business owners to prevail against the surge of government intervention into our lives. We must fight to reclaim free markets, against over-regulation, and for the rights of small business owners and entrepreneurs to create new opportunities in their local community. Only by reclaiming power at home can we create better lives for ourselves and our neighbors.
Isn’t it a little ironic that Obama, the first black man to occupy the office of President, has set in motion a plan to create a low-skilled, low-paid labor force that will then continue to rely on the government teat for their next meal and for health care. Lincoln he is not.
You can read the story, but this chick at AP has it all wrong. The study itself is fundamentally flawed, since it focuses on money and cost of health care as primary factors. The article even cites concern for the growing cost of health care as a top 3 concern, but totally fails to mention that taxes account for by far the greatest percentage of money taken out of our pockets, but then we’re all supposed to be happy little taxpayers!
I believe I was actually part of this study or one like it – I’m a member of Gallup and remember taking at least one job satisfaction survey in the last six months, so I can tell you for a fact that the questions only scratch the surface and do not probe to any depth the true causes of job dissatisfaction in this country.
While I admit I’d like to be paid more, I would have a difficult time putting a price tag on my contributions at work, so how much “more” is enough?. Pay is all relative, but the Left’s continued class warfare campaign has taught us that people who make more than us don’t deserve it and probably do less work. That argument gives zero credit for experience, personal motivation, professional acumen, or behavior, but again, none of those qualities elicits an emotional reaction, so liberals are incapable of comprehending why they are valuable. I have no problem with the fact that my boss, who is younger than me, makes more money than I do. He clearly has worked hard for his position and has a great deal of expertise, motivation, and leadership qualities that absolutely should be rewarded. The fact that I’m older than him is irrelevant. Nevertheless, today’s entitlement mentality tells us we are all worth more than we’re currently being paid, regardless of our relative reimbursement. What is absolutely true is that people who are well-paid are over-taxed relative to the amount of services they consume compared to those who earn significantly less money. In this way government’s intrusion into our economy creates a negative incentive to work hard and be more productive. Politicians pit one group against the other, creating stress and tension in the workplace where those who earn less envy those who earn more, and government taxes the higher-achievers, creating animosity among those who succeed toward those who are not motivated to achieve beyond their lesser circumstance.
Envy and animosity are the cause of the problem of pay, and it is clearly an artificial cause created by Democrats for the purpose of gaining power and controlling people’s lives. For the last 2 years the media has campaigned recklessly on the idea that health insurance is crippling American workers, when the average person pays less than $76 a month for health insurance, while they pay as much as 33% or more of their gross income in taxes!
Another finding from this study is that young people are the most dissatisfied, primarily for being underpaid and not challenged by the work. Well it’s a good thing that Bama and the Democrats just spent a Trillion dollars creating thousands of low paying construction jobs! Twenty-something’s who are grumpy about their jobs have only themselves to blame for voting in Democrats who don’t trust free markets to create higher-paying, stimulating jobs. Democrats cater to unions, many of which trowel the manufacturing sector for what few jobs are still out there, despite the reality of global competition. Union jobs are the least satisfying, as envy is integral to the union “Us vs Them” mentality. How can anyone be happy working under such conditions? Again, liberals maintain this environment in order to control votes.
Liberalism is ultimately to blame. Class warfare, three generations of increasingly entitlement-minded young people, and the pervasive scope of government into every aspect of our lives has replaced the moral and ethical compunction to work in order to provide for one’s family and fulfill one’s part in the implied contract with the community. Government has stepped in and removed our need to create for ourselves a sense of self-worth and self respect. We must all be made to be equal so that the playing field is level for all. No one can be allowed to achieve to great heights on his own merit, for surely that was accomplished at the expense of others. Given these obnoxious attitudes toward working and work, it’s more important than ever for business owners to prevail against the surge of government intervention into our lives. We must fight to reclaim free markets, against over-regulation, and for the rights of small business owners and entrepreneurs to create new opportunities in their local community. Only by reclaiming power at home can we create better lives for ourselves and our neighbors.
Isn’t it a little ironic that Obama, the first black man to occupy the office of President, has set in motion a plan to create a low-skilled, low-paid labor force that will then continue to rely on the government teat for their next meal and for health care. Lincoln he is not.
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