Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What Do You Mean, No Global Warming???

Well this blows. I was really in favor of global warming - I'm pretty tired of these endless Wisconsin winters. And lately every year has been more bitter cold than the last. I guess I shoulda seen it coming. Now that I think back, it's been getting cooler every year where I live; I'm not sure we had even one 90 degree day this summer.

It's not all my fault - at some point the smart people who told us about the global warming changed the dialog to "Global climate change." I don't know what that means, I guess it's when some days it's warmer and some days it's cooler. Or like early in the year it's usually cold, and then the climate changes and it gets warmer and by the middle of the year it's very warm, but then the climate changes again and it gets cooler until by the end of the year it's cold again. That's all very complicated, so I don't worry too much about it.

Then they were saying the ice could melt and the oceans could rise, and I figured that wouldn't be too bad, because then there would be more water, and water is good. I don't live anywhere near an ocean, so if they rose I wouldn't be too upset.

Well now it turns out that these smart people weren't so smart, and the earth is either not warming or is actually cooling. So this really ticks me off, because of those Wisconsin winters.

I'm gonna try to make it right, though, and start burning tires in my backyard. I'll be encouraging my neighbors to do the same. Those scientists couldn't have been all wrong, so if everyone starts burning tires in their backyards maybe we can still get global warming back on track.

So please do your part! Start burning tires in your backyard so the earth will get warmer and I can be saved from more cold Wisconsin winters!

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