Monday, December 7, 2009

Doing the Hokey-Pokey On Pearl Harbor Day

68 years ago this morning the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, the event that caused most Americans to change their opinion on entering another great war on behalf of the rest of the world. Without that event, the political will of the American people would have remained largely isolationist, and FDR would have had a hard time getting men across the Atlantic, and by the time most people understood the scope of the Nazi threat it may have been too late. FDR fought the hell out of that war - he clearly understood what was at stake and what was needed to win, and manipulated the domestic situation to meet the global need. His fiscal policies in response to the Depression may have doomed this country to economic disaster in the long run, but his effective response as a wartime leader likely saved it in the moment.

1 week ago today Campaigner-In-Chief Bara Bama committed another 30,000 soldiers to fight in Afghanistan. Bama clearly has almost no idea what it takes to win a war he doesn't actually believe in against an enemy he's trying to curry favor with. His "Hard deadline" to withdraw in July 2011, is proof enough of that. Once again, he's just trying to please all sides by seeming hawkish and judicious at the same time. He wants to put troops in them take them out - it's more of a game of hokey-pokey than an effective military strategy.

So this weekend Gates and Hillary were on every talk show saying that the date to withdraw is fixed, but the numbers are not, so the date really means absolutely nothing. Bama can fulfill that promise by taking exactly 1 soldier out of Afghanistan on that date.

Why does anyone believe anything that comes out of Bama's mouth? He talks out of both sides like it was an art form. Meanwhile, the troops get that the message is mixed, so the surge has no effect on morale except to make another 30,000 people miserable living in the dusty mountains of an impoverished country halfway around the globe.

Tell us what we're fighting for! Give the men an objective and the resources they need and then let them go do it! And stay the hell out of the way! Quit dancing, Bama!

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