Friday, December 25, 2009

Framing The Argument

Unfortunately for everyone who values personal freedom, the Republicans were totally denied the opportunity to frame the issue of health care in their terms. It was always about helping the litany of sad stories and never about the 99% of the rest of us who were not jeopardized by the health industry's capitalist streak.

If only they had been better served by our unbiased free press in showing how health care reform, as put forth by Democrats, is an attack on personal freedoms and our very society; it places the majority at risk for the sake of the minority, and it exposes everyone to the inevitable regulation of every aspect of our lives in the name of health care.

You think the insurance companies ask a lot of qualifying questions? Just wait until Uncle Sam gets in the mix. Tax law will be a light read compared to what it will take just to cook breakfast. At first we'll barely notice the transgressions, but government will be working hard to regulate the food industry, including farmers, and that's going to mean more fees for those who produce, further driving down profit and ultimately the will to produce. Listen to small farmers today - they can barely make it as it is, and the carbon neutral/food agency nazis will drive out any who have persevered.

Next the food pyramid will be strictly enforced. All public school children will be forced to buy the school sanctioned meals, with their correct portions of protein, grains, and fruits and vegetables, and of course, serving size. Many years from now there will be no grocery stores, only vast government run food distribution centers that deliver the approved portions of what you are deemed to need, at a nominal fee.

Is it such a leap to merge genetic science with health care and imagine a future where only those who's DNA is approved may reproduce? We can't afford to take a chance that something as arbitrary as love between a man and a woman may result in offspring with "pre-existing conditions."

Liberals, lacking the ability to see the long-term consequences of their short-term decisions because of the emotional requirement, only think of the good this will do for the small percentage of Americans who for whatever reason actually cannot get health insurance and who otherwise could not receive care. So what's the value of that? If this costs 50 Trillion dollars over the next 25 years, will that be a good deal? Take $50 Trillion out of the economy and tell me we're still a nation of prosperity. No way. We're a nation of dependents.

We'll depend on government for everything, and that's the ultimate goal of progressives, for only when government regulates all aspects of life can society be made to be truly fair for all people. That's been the goal of the Democrat party for nearly 100 years, and it's taken just long lifespan to bring this nation to the precipice.

Voting for Bama and his Democrat villains one more time might just be enough to push us over the edge.

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