Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Republican Party is Back!

On NPR this morning the lead story was about the protests at all the Democrat town hall meetings across the country dealing with the issue of Health Care reform. You've almost certainly heard by now that these local events are the venue for the public's displays of frustration and concern about the current bill and the President's plan to destroy, err, fix health care. Polls show that more than 60% of the public disapprove of the current health care proposals, but the President doesn't care what the people think - he's intent on ramming this monstrosity down our throats.

The NPR story was focused solely on the protests. Have you noticed that when liberals protest something, like with everything Bush did over the last 8 years, its a "spontaneous", "patriotic", "exercise of first amendment rights", but when anyone else protests something they're an "angry mob", "organized by lobbyists", or "ignorant people whipped to a fervor by Rush Limbaugh and Fox News."

Believe me, this characterization is deliberate. The White House is desperate now, and what they are hoping is by painting people who have legitimate concerns about the future of health care as radical, unscrupulous whackos, they can cause a backlash to spur renewed support in their plan. Yes, the White House is directing this effort. All you need to do is listen to the coverage - the talking points are all the same, and NPR was a perfect example of this.

What's more, the White House this week on its blog encouraged good little Democrats to turn in their friends, neighbors, and coworkers if they suspect them of spreading "misinformation" about health care. A new era of McCarthyism is in the works, but this time the paranoia is decidedly pro-communism in the image of Bama's domestic policy.

The problem with Rahm and Bama's backlash theory is that a majority of people actually think they're wrong on this issue. It's hard for Democrats to believe this about their president, so the only possibility in their minds is that the rest of us are lunatics, and the fact that Republican groups are encouraging unrest in the policital discourse is proof enough for them

But what really gets them pissed is that conservatives and Republicans are finally fighting back, and we're using a page out of the liberal playbook that we've never effectively used before - the protest. They hate having their own tactics used against them more than anything, and that coupled with the fact that most people are not on the side of the president on this issue has them very, very concerned.

So pundits like Juan Williams - who is occasionally fair but incurably liberal - say things like, "The Republican party is imploding," when he really means to say "Democrats are scared shitless that in just 6 months they've wasted all the political capital gained by the anti-Bush media offensive staged during the last 6 years." The blame rests squarely on the shoulders of the president, but he won't take it - he's not half the man Bush is.

The truth is the Republican Party is back. We don't need someone to lead us, to think for us, we think for ourselves and are lead by our convictions. That's something liberals don't understand - they are the ones who react emotionally and are whipped to a fervor by media pundits, not us. We dissect information, understand how it applies to us and react accordingly. What the protesters are doing is finally letting the liberal elite know their place. Politicians are not better than the rest of us, and its about time the American people stand up and let Washington and Bama know they work for us! We will never work for him.

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