Al Franken won by a certified margin of 325 votes over Norm Coleman in 2008. It shouldn't have been close, but Coleman ran a weak campaign and let Franken and the media tell him and the public what was acceptable, labeled him a negative campaigner and let it ride in the press. The fact that Franken's campaign was also predominately negative toward Coleman was never a story. Coleman stopped addressing Franken's lies in TV adds and allowed himself to be swift-boated, and many right-leaning voters turned out for the 3rd party. Coleman's passivity and willingness to yield to the media's broadcast perception of him cost him a landslide reelection victory over one of the least-qualified and angriest human beings to run for office in recent memory. That Franken is consumed by hate and is simply mean-spirited was barely touched on in the campaign, and never by Coleman. Surprise, surprise, among Franken's first official acts as a U.S. senator is to go after the people in Florida who he thinks stole the 2000 election from Gore. This piece of human garbage has a list, believe me, and he will be attempting systematically to destroy his enemies for the next 6 years. Great job, Minnesota! Another fine addition to your embarrassing list of political oddities. The 325 votes is really the point. Remember after election day Coleman had a lead of more than 800 votes. The recount was automatic. Within a week two sets of votes were "discovered", the first in the trunk of a polling staffer's car and the second in a box hidden away behind a cabinet in another polling place. These two stockpiles did not contain one single vote for Coleman, while totaling 350 additional votes for Franken. The staffers who discovered these votes claimed to not know how the votes gor to where they did. I'm sure many of us are driving around town with completed ballots wedged in around the spare tire, and almost no one questioned the authenticity of the ballots. Of course - ballots are cast anonymously, so who would know? At the time Sean Hannity was the only significant national media participant making a fuss, and the counter argument was, and I remember this clearly, that why 350 votes - that was not enough to make up the margin, so of course it wasn't plausible that the votes were fraudulent. And yet in the end, those mystery ballots were just enough to cover Coleman and provide a slight cushion.
Democrat vote manipulation is a tradition as old as the party itself. The fathers of the Democrat Party, Jefferson and Madison, conspired to destroy the reputation of then President John Adams for the express purpose of getting Jefferson elected. Jefferson wrote the book on how Democrats get elected to office, and the party has never wavered from the word. Recently, Al Gore tried his best to steal Florida, in the most obnoxious and obvious fraud attempt in our country's history. Handle the ballots enough times and hey, is that chad loose? Clearly that's another "vote" for Gore! Thank God the Court put a stop to that nonsense, although the US Supreme Court went party line - again, they never stray.
Al Franken knew he would eventually win. Once the recount gears start, it always finds enough votes for the Democrat, and the reason goes back to Jefferson. The man was absolutely unscrupulous and immoral, characteristics which modern democrats quietly embrace. While Republicans have pigeon-holed themselves as the party of Morality, the Dems are content to be the opposite, though the media would never label them as such, but for a Democrat to lie to the public or cheat on his wife or steal from the people, it's no bog deal. No one is shocked by it. Sure there's a small fervor, but it's short lived because we expect it of them. Since they don't usually pretend to be otherwise too loudly we can't label them hypocrites - Republicans have no such allowance.
And so it comes as no surprise that Democrats in the State of Wisconsin are once again trying to legislate vote fraud. Why bother with the occasional scandal when you now have the power to make it legal? This effort is centralized around a proposal to let people vote by phone. While I'm not opposed to leveraging technology to improve voting accuracy, this idea can only facilitate the opposite effect, and play into the hands of those most inclined toward fraud - Democrats. The major problem is that voting is still anonymous. Voting by phone could actually work if anonymity was not a requirement. Today, when you walk into a polling place, they ask you who you are and where you live, but not "Who did you vote for". When you walk out of the polling place the media exit pollsters ask "Who did you vote for" but not "Who are you". Nobody has both pieces of information, and as long as that's true Democrats will try to manipulate the system to lubricate the machinery of vote fraud.
So what's the big deal? We tell people all the time who we voted for. Many people advertise it on behalf of their candidate. Why not just get rid of the anonymity requirement and make people stand by their vote - take responsibility for your right!
Either that or watch Democrats continue to steal elections. Their argument is that if you had to identify who you voted for you would be susceptible to intimidation, and then just not vote. Too bad. Apparently you didn't have the conviction to go pull the lever for your candidate, or maybe you were intimidated or manipulated to vote for that person, and if questioned you might have to reveal your little secret. Or maybe you're only voting based on sex, or skin color, and not ideas - wouldn't you look stupid on television when you admitted that, so just stay home. I say those are all excellent reason to make people justify their vote. 97% of blacks voted for Bama. Good, now ask them why. People who have no clue should be disincentivized to vote instead of the opposite.
But of course that wouldn't be any good for Democrats.
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