Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bama Self-Destructs!

First the airing of grievances: Only a month ago Bama and Biden were on the defensive about the economy, pointing fingers at Bush while noting the "Stimulus" plan was supposed to take 18 months, even though immediate results were promised at the time of signing.

Now that the media has declared the recession "over", Bama is taking credit for it, and the media is trumpeting his economic policies as the saving grace. Absurd. Let me ask this question - if it wasn't for the media, would 90% of us even know there was a recession? Of course not. Bama's "stimulus" has done nothing, and in the long term, once the inflationary impact of his horrendous spending plan is realized, the impact will slow or kill any natural recovery that occurs as a result of capitalism.

A president is always blamed more than he deserves for a bad economy and given more credit than he deserves for a good economy, except when the economic principles that run the whole thing are egregiously violated, as in Bama's case. He will deserve every bit of blame for the ultimate downfall of the American economy, if it happens.

Next, have you noticed that when Bama and his congressional automatons talk about the Health Care bill they only used talking points without referring to one specific complaint about what's in the bill? Bama keeps saying conservatives are using "Scare Tactics." I have to agree with him - this bill is fricking scary. Conservatives have pointed to dozens of of instances, using language straight from the bill, to explain why this thing is awful for Americans. Meanwhile, Democrats only accuse us of spreading lies, without any specifics, and completely dodging all opposition to the actual content of the bill. Would someone in the media PLEASE point that out???

And then there was this gem from Bama today: "UPS and FedEx are doing just fine... It's the Post Office that's always having problems."

Hmmm, which of those 3 was a government entity that was so far in the red the government finally gave up trying to run it. I'll give you a hint - it's not UPS or FedEx. Isn't that a very good reason not to let government run any part of health care? Excellent observation, Bama!

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