Through the first two years of his term in office, Campaigner-In-Chief Obama has totally failed to spur job growth in this country. Nothing he’s tried has worked, and everything he’s tried has increased the national debt. The unemployment rate, which he promised would not go higher than 8%, in fact went to 10.1%, with real unemployment hovering around 17%.
Obama has no idea what to do. He continues to think that 5 million “green jobs” can still be created by 2013, but everyone know that’s a fantasy. Billionaire T. Boone Pickens, who drafted the obnoxious “Pickens Plan” for green energy, which was his idea to erect thousands of giant wind turbines in the Texas wastes, failed miserably when he discovered the infrastructure did not exist to do anything with such a resource, and no plan to build such infrastructure was being seriously considered. Last June he abruptly scrapped the windmill idea in favor of natural gas pump stations. Do those qualify as “green” jobs? Even now he’s getting little support for his plan that would cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars during Bama’s depressed economy. Meanwhile, closer to home, lefties are worried about Governor Scott Walker’s proposal to increase the distance a gigantic wind turbine can be built from private property by a mere 600 feet. The environmental crowd operate as if money were no object. Get a clue! If we could invest a quarter of the money necessary into clean coal and shale oil, of which we have among the world’s largest supplies, we could accomplish many of the spoken objectives of the Left – reduce dependency on foreign oil while creating a cleaner burning fuel, and without the need for a complete do-over on the nation’s power grid!
So he still thinks 5 million green jobs will materialize out of zero demand. He has the same expectation for high speed rail. Unbelievably, the First Goon is going back to that old well, probably because the Vice Moron Joe Biden thinks it’s such a great idea. Obama just proposed a $53 Billion plan to enhance rail along major corridors. Talk about “R is for Reverse”, more like “D is for deaf and dumb.” And whenever a Lefty wants to challenge their many, many critics over higher speed rail the argument that always comes up is that Europe has it. And now China is getting it. Big F---ing Deal! Maybe they wish they were part of the socialist utopias in Europe or the Communist wonderland that is China, but neither of those places have infrastructure requirements that are in any way similar to America.
For one, we have cars and roads. Almost nobody in China drives – most of it is still a third world country. And it’s existing train system is horrid by all accounts. Once you get out of the major cities in China you might as well be on the Moon. The tourism shows work hard to meet Western expectations, but the people of China live very differently. We are not the same. We are not even similar. Our societies almost could not be more different, so any comparison of transportation systems is absurd. Likewise, Europe is in a very different boat. The places where people live there are so old that cars are impractical. People walk. They walk the short distances to neighborhood shops and places of work or take the train to the next city and then walk from there. While this may solve our obesity problem, the amount of public transportation needed to cover the relatively vast expanses of North America and operate the way other countries do it, is obviously prohibitively expense. The only way it could work, and Republicans have been quick to say it, is by private enterprise. The big problem there is that no private company is interested in operating at a loss in perpetuity, ala Amtrak.
So when Obama says jobs he can only mean more government jobs. Are there any doubters left that this guy is a Communist?
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