It should be obvious to anyone who thinks objectively about it that CBAs are a horrible idea. Once the CBA is gone, teachers and other public employees can be evaluated the same way as employees in the private sector. That is, by the value they add to their organization. These employees can also now decide whether or not they want to contribute to their union and be represented, something they had no choice about under the CBA. If a union cannot convince enough people that it provides them with a useful service it will cease to exist and all those employees will be able to be judged on their merits. How great is that! Employees who perform poorly will be thusly rewarded/punished and can even be terminated, creating a position for someone else who is more likely to want to succeed.
There is nothing bad about any of this, of course, except that it will deprive Democrats of the power of unions to push votes for Democrat candidates at elections.
The other thing Scott Walker intends to accomplish is to force public employees to contribute up to 50% toward their retirements. God forbid! This will result in a net decrease in their pay, which is what all the fuss is about. Obama has stuck his skinny head into the matter, saying things like, “These are our friends and neighbors,” blah, blah, blah. He fails to complete his own argument, which is that these are our friends and neighbors and we pay their salary and benefits, and so far they have rarely had to foot the bill for their own lucrative retirement and health care benefits. Imagine if your neighbor went around the neighborhood every week and you had to cut him a check. Then years down the road he’s retired 10 years before you get to on money you gave him. That is exactly how it works only you don’t think that way because the money you pay your neighbor is first filtered though the State and local bureaucratic process.
The protests are a farce. Any teacher who uses a sick day to protest should be fired, but of course they are protected by the union, which has its own trivial survival at stake.
God bless Scott Walker and the Republicans who are showing great and necessary courage in the face of contrived opposition who protect an antiquated and self-destructive system.
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