Monday, April 26, 2010

The Truth is Only a Minor Obstacle

The Feds announced today that they will be selling 1.5 million shares of Citibank stock - at a profit! This is supposed to be good news, proving what a good investment it was to bailout the banks in 2008.

But wait! Government doesn't make money (it prints it, but the value of that currency is backed by American's productivity) - it takes it from taxpayers. So really, you and me and everyone who pays taxes bought that stock. I don't remember the government asking my permission to sell those shares. What gives? Who's regulating those crooks? But then they didn't ask my permission to buy the shares in the first place with my money. And because it would be unprecedented for that money to actually go back to taxpayers, or even just be taken out of circulation, anyone who has paid any taxes to the US government who then also buys one of these Citi shares is essentially paying for it twice. That's a bad deal for everyone except Democrat politicians, who first gleefully endorsed the creation of $800 Billion to bailout the banks, then spent every dime that was repaid, and now stand to generate even more revenue from this stock sale. All of which will go to fund more liberal crap like Health Care reform.

Speaking of which, the thing I've been screaming for nearly a year now - that adding another bureaucratic layer the existing health care process can ONLY result in higher costs for all - has been proven true by the bean counters at the Medicare administration. In fact, they sent a report saying as much to Kathleen "Blinders" Sibelius a week before the vote, but she didn't want to read it for fear the truth might "influence the vote." Damn right! It's all a scam though - everyone with an ounce of common sense could figure costs will go up, and they all lied about it, starting with Bama. Think we'll get a congressional investigation into that? Hell no! Instead we're getting another bill that will enable government overseers the power to fine or in other ways damage private insurance companies who, through no fault of their own, are straddled with huge new cost burdens and are forced to raise premiums to compensate.

Bama and the Dems knew this would happen, and they already had this planned - bank on it. This is all part of the same effort to put private insurers out of business in favor of the government option. It's coming...

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