Monday, April 5, 2010

Betting It All On Black

The networks are in a full-court press to repair the damage Bama's done to his credibility with the public. NBC went so far as to revive the Somali Pirates story from last year for their Sunday night edition of Dateline with the teaser something like, "The President takes on the Pirates..." And there was even a sit down interview, made to appear as if this whole event with the American hostages had just happened. It's like they're pretending all the animosity Bama and Democrats have incurred never happened. Actually, they have everything to lose when he fails; the media is ultimately responsible for Bara Bama having been elected, so his failures are their failures.

Anyway, as a service to America, because almost nobody bothered to watch it, I transcribed part of the interview:

NBC: "Were you nervous before you made that shot to save the captain?"
BO: "That's a common misconception, but I didn't actually pull the trigger."
NBC: "But you were there, on the Navy ship, and your personally authorized the action."
BO: "I wasn't on the ship, but I was following closely at the White House."
NBC: "I see, so you were talking to the sniper team and that's when you assessed the situation and ordered the shot and saved the captain."
BO: "Not exactly. but I did give the order to carry out the operation."
NBC: "Obviously you made a difficult decision. I would say a brave decision."
BO: "It was the right thing to do, not only for the freighter captain but for American interests in the region and for all free trade."
NBC: "Right, but your predecessor did nothing to stop the situation from getting to this point."
BO: "Well I'm the President now, and we do things my way now."

Objective journalism at its best. Meanwhile, Bama's out on his Sell Health Care to America Tour, just another extension of his never-ending election campaign, and someone dared to say Americans are "over-taxed". During the following 17 minutes, Bama managed to obfuscate in his rhetorical way, confusing and boring everyone in attendance, and finishing with, "I hope I answered your question," even though he knew he didn't. But then, that's the thing with the word hope - it's pretty useless, just like our Campaigner-In-Chief.

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