Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Inevitable

Stalinist Dennis Kucinich is now on board with Bama's health care takeover. Not really a surprise there; I imagine Dennis was just holding out for pork but easily caved. I bet his conversation with the Campaigner-In-Chief went something like this:

BO: Look, Dennis, obviously I need your vote on this.
DK: Mister President, I can't vote on this in good conscience.
BO: Well what is your objection, exactly?
DK: This bill continues to favor special interests and Big Insurance at the expense of the poor.
BO: You want single-payer.
DK: This country needs it.
BO: Dennis, and this is between you and me, OK? I'm with you, but we both know that once we get this passed then single-payer is inevitable.
DK: I have to stand on principle. You understand.
BO: Sure I do. Look, here's how this is gonna go down. You're going to vote Yes on this bill, as it exists today. You got me?
DK: Umm...
BO: You know, Dennis, I'm sure your voters get it, we're not talking about Texas here. Tell me I've got your vote and I promise you single-payer during my second term.
DK: You're second term?
BO: What do you think of Air Force One? Nice, right? I could probably use your council more often on trips like these. Whaddaya say?

Eventually DK caves without any sugar except an empty promise from a likely one-term jerk-off.

The Democrats are going to pass Health Care destruction. It might even happen this week, but it will happen. It's also at least remotely possible that the Supreme Court will throw the whole thing out, but that's some wishful thinking.

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