Newsweek, which I was surprised to learn today is still in business selling lefty rags, unleashed a poll where they found almost everyone loves democrat health care reform. They accomplished this amazing feat by breaking out the core components and asking for each, "Do you favor or oppose this proposal?"
Here's an example:
(Are you in favor of) Requiring that all Americans have health insurance, with the government providing financial help to those who can’t afford it.
Most people are going to read this as saying, "I'd like everyone to have health insurance." They miss the first word "Requiring", and sure, the government should provide financial help.
Well what does any of that mean? Absolutely nothing. First of all, the "government" doesn't help anyone do anything. You do. That's your tax dollars at work for someone else and you have no control over it.
So how about this for a question:
(Are you in favor of) The government imposing an additional tax or fee on you to pay for someone else to have health insurance they may not need or ever use?
That's a much more honest question given the actual legislation, and clearly only severe bleeding hearts would be in favor of such obvious socialism.
Finally, Newsweek, like all lefty rags, over samples liberals by a wide margin. While most credible polls put Bama's Approve/Disapprove at even, Newsweek manages to find 11% swing in his favor, so their results can be read as skewed by the same percentage.
I hope that's the last time I ever cite Newsweek for any reason. Goodnight!
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