Monday, October 19, 2009

Dispelling the Audacity of Hope

Audacity: Arrogant disregard of normal restraints.

Hope: To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment.

If you haven’t already wasted time reading Bara Bama’s books, but was interested in doing so for some reason, I’ll save you the effort. The title says it all – “The Audacity Of Hope.” What does that mean? We know Hope was one of two primary themes of Bama’s 2006-2009 presidential campaign, the other being Change, and the composite of these was/is Hope for Change.

Now isn’t that nice and comforting. Of course Hope for Change was an abstract concept; it meant whatever you wanted it to mean. Really, this was a political masterstroke, because anyone could interpret it to mean anything. The truth is that the slogan has no meaning, because if it did it would dispel the delusion of meaning for millions of people who had made their personal interpretation. So, in effect, a candidate who ran a campaign based on nothing won the election. It was all a scam, and a narrow majority of American voters bought in.

Now look again at Bama’s book title, “The Audacity of Hope.” Once again this is a meaningless slogan, but it betrays some truths about the man, err, chosen one. The first is that he is arrogant. In fact, Bama’s arrogance is his defining characteristic. In his mind, there’s nobody more important in the history of the world than him. People around him have told him this, and the election validated this perception. He is now free to strut around the globe exhibiting his eminence believing everyone should give a damn. Many of us knew this about him before election night, and his behavior since then has been extreme in its self-importance, but remarkably, millions of Americans can’t see the man’s complete lack of humility and disregard for the position of others, most of whom have earned their status while he has not.

The second trait is that Bama does not act; he merely expects. This trait has been on full display during his 2009 campaigning for such issues as economic stimulus and health care and the war in Afghanistan and the Iranian and North Korean nuclear weapons programs. He’s done absolutely nothing to improve the likelihood of success for any of these concerns, except to hope they get better.

Well, what has he done? He did ask for nearly a trillion dollars to “stimulate” the economy, but did not follow through. Only about 15% of that money has been spent, and even though the “experts” have declared the recession over, try telling that to the 17 million Americans out of work – almost double the number from when Bama took office.

He asked Congress to put a health care bill on his desk to sign and then created several deadlines, which have been ignored because the expectation was foolish, and all he’s been saying is that the opposition has posited “misinformation” which has stymied the process. Again, he’s done almost nothing to actively participate in the effort, he just has people hoping for it. Meanwhile, democrat politicians are hoping to survive the persistent anti-overhaul movement, which is actively working against them. Harry Reid’s days are numbered.

He scrapped the missile defense program for Poland so the Russians would be happy in hope they would be better partners in limiting Iranian nuclear aspirations. Yeah right. All he did was show weakness, and the Russians are playing him for the fool he is. Now the Russians and Chinese will be enriching the uranium for the Iranians for “medical purposes.” Uh-huh. Great leadership there, Bama.

And finally, he has hoped for a better outcome in Afghanistan. The strategy he developed during the 2008 campaign, without active participation from generals in the theater, was to pump an additional 17,000 men into the country when the real number needed has turned out to be closer to 60,000. Now he’s just hoping the problem goes away because the Norwegians have tied his hands with their diabolical Peace Prize.

Hope is always a passive action. When you hope for something, it means you either do not have the means to affect the outcome in your favor or are unwilling to put forth the necessary effort. The outcome for both situations is in someone else’s hands. People who voted for Bama hoped they would get something for it. In one sense, they actively participated in the voting process and affected the outcome in their favor, but they also bought into his bullsh!t campaign message, so what they hoped he would do for them as president cannot but disappoint. The guy has done nothing, and will continue to do nothing. You can hope all you want, it won’t change the fact that Bama is unprepared and unqualified to lead this country, and appears unwilling to put forth the effort it takes to get anything meaningful done.

The fact of the matter is that when you’re the President, there’s nothing less meaningful or useless than hope. You must affect change. You must lead. You cannot let everyone do your work for you and expect a favorable result. Barack Obama, if you fail it’s because you hoped for change but did nothing to make it happen.

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