Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bara Bama's Latest Screwup: H1N1

Bama is so worried that H1N1 could be his Katrina that last week he took the extraordinary step of declaring a national emergency before there was one.

For months now we've known H1N1 was coming, and for months the CDC and it's small army of vaccine makers have been working feverishly to get doses made. And for months now they've known there would not be nearly enough for everyone, but they probably thought it wouldn't be a big deal because only a small percentage of the population even bothers with the seasonal flu shot, and H1N1 has been taking its sweet time infecting the population, and by most accounts has been significantly less severe than initially thought.

Unfortunately, the Campaigner-In-Chief, in an attempt to appear proactive, has actually single-handedly created a crisis. The CDC has now had to come forward and admit there have been complications in the vaccine creation, and because of that - just like a run on the banks - people are desperate to get what few doses are out there.

If Bama made the declaration without knowing all the facts, then he's both stupid and incompetent. If he knew there were not enough doses available and still went with the national emergency, making the declaration is no defense for incompetence. If anything it just reinforces it.

Make no mistake - this situation is almost entirely Bama's fault. If he had been paying attention and shifted the flu vaccine focus to H1n1 6 months ago, the CDC could have had an initial wave of doses to support demand for H1N1. But now they've had to stop making seasonal flu to focus solely on H1N1, and most people can't get either.

Bama created this panic - just one more example of how completely ignorant he is on how real people actually behave. How many more examples do we need?

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