Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Messiah Returns (At Last)

I almost forgot the funniest part of Bama's speech on Monday. He said that he, "Will call for a doubling of exports in the next 5 years."

Good, that's done then.

Just today there's a report that the trade gap is the widest it's ever been - nearly $50 Billion every month, or about the same level as when Bama took office. Now there's change you can believe in!

Meanwhile, the Feds have announced another $3 Billion in giveaways to people who exercised their Democrat-given right to own a house regardless of their ability to pay for it. The newest bailout includes interest-free loans of up to $50,000!

And in the same vein a riot broke out in Atlanta today when thousands of people waited up to 2 days in the heat just to get an application for a rent subsidy. That's right - they weren't waiting for the money, they were waiting for the application for the money. And yes, there were signs saying that everyone who was in line by this afternoon would get an application. No money, just an application. Two days in line, in the heat. For an application. Yeah, some people are really, really stupid. What I'm wondering is why someone from the office didn't say anything to the assembled mob like, "You don't have to stay here for two days. We have plenty of applications and can always print more if needed." Or maybe someone did but the mob said, "It's ok, I got nuthin' better to do with my life." That's sad, but not surprising that it turned violent. If you look online for the pictures you'll see the whole story, and know that 99% of those people voted for Bama.

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