Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Liberals: Racists And Thieves
So I guess anyone who thinks you should take care of yourself in life and take responsibility for you actions is a racist. You know who was probably a racist, then? Jackie Robinson. The man who broke Major League Baseball’s color barrier was a Republican, and not only that, but he actively campaigned on behalf of Republican candidates expressly because they represented the party of self-reliance and personal responsibility, in stark contrast to Democrats, who grease the wheels of racial tension by creating an environment where Blacks were held to different expectations than Whites.
So one of the great heroes of Black people would today be denounced by the very people who hold him in such esteem.
Another thing I was thinking about was the fact that governments in this country can’t seem to wrap heads around the idea of controlling, much less reducing spending. There’s also significant resistance to raising taxes. Of course everyone expects the Bush tax cuts will be allowed to expire, and so they will passively raise taxes next year. But there’s a huge amount of money changing hands that is not taxed in the form of charitable contributions. Personal contributions to charities represents an uncontrolled distribution of wealth, which liberals abhor. Only government should be the sole proprietors of wealth redistribution. Even more horrifying to libs is that conservatives give a significantly greater portion of their incomes to charities than do liberals, and in many cases the charity is a Christian church! This needs to stop asap, so I would expect that in the very near future the laws for charitable contributions will change to no longer allow for tax deductions. Furthermore, Christian churches will be taxed on all contributions they receive. Liberals accomplish 3 things of great importance to hem by doing this: First they claim what they believe is rightfully theirs in terms of taxes otherwise lost from charitable deductions. Second, they reduce conservative influence among charities and other non-profits be limiting the financial return for contributors, while securing more power for themselves to take the stream of new tax dollars and apply as they see fit. And third, they hope to further limit the effect of Christian morality on this country, which will inevitably result in destruction of morals and the American soul, and break down the last barriers standing in the way of Communism.
And speaking of morals, it is now a proven fact that Al Frankenfuck lost the election to Norm Coleman. You’ll remember that over 330 votes were “found”, many on ballots that also included votes for John McCain, but also a trunkload of write-in ballots that all went for Franken. Now we know for a fact that at least 346 convicted felons voted for Franken, and as many as 800 or more. If Dems had this kind of evidence in Florida 2000 against Bush things might well have turned out differently, but of course they didn’t because only Democrats, who operate without a moral compass, try to steal elections and circumvent the will of the people. What is particularly ironic in this case is that Frankenburglar was one of the loudest voices following the 2000 election, saying all the stupid, nonsensical things liberals said about Bush and Florida and the Supreme Court deciding the election and all that, and now it is he who has actually stolen an election. Think he’ll man up and resign now? Don’t bet on it.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Bama's Friend Chavez
This week the Magnificent and Magnanimous People’s President Hugo Chavez from the People’s Paradise of Venezuela seized control of two oil drilling rigs off the shores of the socialist utopia. Further adding to the victory of the People, these rigs were owned by a private American capitalist pig company, which had previously been supplying oil for Venezuela’s State-controlled refineries.
Inexplicably, the American pigs halted drilling operations, claiming they should be “paid” for this oil and their labor to recover it. How dare they demand to be reimbursed millions of U.S. dollars for something that exists below the legally recognized naval territory of the glorious worker’s paradise of Venezuela! The Wise and Handsome President Chavez refused to pay, and now has not only taken the oil but he has seized the rigs, evicted the Americans, and nationalized the operation.
What a fine show of his authority, granted by the People! This is just the latest in a long line of great socialist victories over capitalism. Do not believe the Western pigs who say the economy of Venezuela is failing! El Presidente can always just seize more western assets for the People, claiming them for the State.
Everyone knows that the weakling American leader Obama will never condemn these glorious victories because he secretly supports the actions against the will of his own misguided people. Weakling Obama and Wonderful People’s President Chavez are friends and allies, and even now the People’s President whips Obama like a bitch and shows the American leader the true meaning of leadership while guiding him to the true light of socialism. Soon all American capitalist pigs will be forced to give their money and allegiance to the new socialist paradise of America, as shown the way by its master Venezuela. Our glorious leader be praised!
Some Idiot Libs Rank The Presidents
The stuffy poll of 238 ultra-liberal elitist historian academic snobs was released yesterday, and go f***ing figure, FDR is number 1. No president in the history of this nation greater exemplifies the time-honored liberal tradition of trading the future for the present than FDR. Three men did more than any others to cause the financial and social mess we’re in today: FDR, Woody Wilson, and LBJ, and among them, FDR tops the list. Although a stubborn wartime leader, FDR has nearly destroyed this country through his leftist New Deal policies. Hitler would be proud.
So that’s all you need to know about this latest poll. The man who saved the country from certain destruction by Civil War and the man who had more to do with the creation of this country than any other are 3rd and 4th, respectively. Who’s number 2? Teddy Roosevelt. WTF!!?!? Another progressive whackjob who spent most of his presidency traipsing around in the woods is rated above the greatest engineers of freedom mankind has ever known.
Jimmy Carter, who had us on the brink of statehood in the
Not surprisingly, the President who finally decided it was not OK to strap a bomb to yourself and blow people up by the bus or building-load in the name of fundamentalism, George W Bush, is bottom-5, right above the secessionist appeasers. GOOD GOD!
Meanwhile Barry O’Bama is ranked a chipper 15th. 3 Spots ahead of Reagan.
Yeah, it’s ok to start screaming profanity now.
Barry is admired for his “Imagination”, and, “Communication.” And not at all dinged for the fact that he communicates only lies and imagines a world in which Americans are free to be sniped from rooftops in every country while Mexicans have more rights in
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Bama's Magic Bag
Remember the big announcement earlier this year about “Pay-Go?” That’s where Democrats pledged to not put forth any legislation that was not 100% paid for. Yeah, I know, pretty funny coming from Democrats. But even as the pundits try to spin this election cycle as bad for all incumbents, Democrats are trying to be credible in being more conservative than conservatives. Anyway, those dastardly Dems want to push through a $34 Billion emergency bill to fund unemployment insurance through November, though I'm sure the timing with the election season is just a coincidence (Riiight). It’s not like this thing just snuck up on them and they realized 3 days before the deadline that benefits would terminate. They’ve been “working” on this bill for the past 3 months, and could have taken a vote at any time, but because they have refused to – wait for it – pay for it, Republicans won’t sign on. Now they do have one RINO, but because Old KKK Byrd dies this week they lose by 1 vote. And just how much do Democrats care? Enough that they are dropping the issue to go on vacation. Oh, those poor suffering Americans.
To any rational person it is obvious that three things have doomed this effort. First, Democrats went back on their word, discarding Pay-Go at the very first opportunity. Second, Democrats wanted to make this close so they could also make it political and blame Republicans if the bill failed. Third, and most importantly, Bara Bama and the Democrats’ failed economic policies have created a business climate where this is still an issue in the first place. Listen, Congress extended benefits last October up to an unprecedented 99 weeks! How long does it take to find a job? Any job?? It’s no wonder people aren’t out there working the jobs that are available because the f---ing Federal government is paying them to stay home and do nothing!!!
Yes, I have a friend who got laid off, but guess what? He went out and got 2 part time jobs to make ends meet while he continues to look for something full time and permanent.
Let’s say you’re a prospective employer, and you get 2 resumes for one opening you have. One of the applicants is working 2 part time jobs to make ends meet and providing for himself, while the other is sitting at home watching cable in his underwear on the taxpayer dime. Who would you hire?
Bama must still think he’s Jesus Christ, able to pull fish endlessly from baskets to feed the five thousand, or in this case, reach into his magic bag of endless dollars to pay for cable TV and Taco Bell for millions of the habitually unemployed.
I do feel for those who lost their jobs in this economy, but to them I say that it is Democrats’ unending culture of state-reliance and vilification of private business that has caused the economic slump to get this bad for this long, and with no end in sight. Bama and his magic bag are the cause, not the solution.