Friday, June 4, 2010

Media Whore-In-Chief

The Administration announced last night that Bama has once again postponed/canceled his trip to Indonesia and Australia. He did the same thing in March when he want to stick around and mug for cameras and distribute superlatives when the Health Care albatross was about to be passed. Indonesia and Australia must not be very important if he keeps canceling for photo ops. Most likely he just considers that trip a vacation, and since he's already taking so many vacations, playing golf and basketball every week and hosting elaborate and expensive parties at the White House at taxpayer expense, he doesn't feel the pressing need to get on Air Force One for 20 hours just to show his daughters the Eastern Hemisphere.

Now he's doing it because he wants to be in Louisiana today to take credit for BP's first successful effort to reduce the amount of oil vomiting into the Gulf. Not that he had anything to do with it. Let me rephrase that for effect: Barack Obama had absolutely nothing to do with today's successful siphoning strategy. Quite the opposite, in fact. By continually belittling BP, the media, and the American People (he had the gall to refer to affected fishermen in the Gulf pleas for help "Unfair"), Bama has contributed to the negative impact of the spill. If he would have just stayed the F out of the way and let BP and Governor Jindal do what was necessary, the situation might be very different. But instead, He stonewalled Jindal on the sand berm plan and then sent Holder out there to start ginning up lawsuits against BP, all the while publicly condemning all oil drilling and then shutting down 40% of the industry, further exacerbating the economic situation in the region and directly causing the loss of thousands of jobs.

What this President has done in response to the problem represents perhaps the greatest failure of leadership in the history of this country. We're way beyond Jimmy Carter failure now. Barack has moved into the land of Buchanan and Taylor.

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