Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Live from the Oval Office!

Tonight the Campaigner-In-Chief is going to tell us whose ass he kicked, and we're all supposed to understand that he's been involved in the cleanup effort since before he was born, or before oil was first discovered, or before the Big Bang, and that he definitely did not waste a single moment since the spill thinking about anything else like his golf game or Barbara Boxer fundraisers or which third-world dictator to support over our historical allies. If he mentions tonight how he had to stand near some rain when he was chatting it up with local folk I'm gonna puke.

Gibbsy was on NPR this morning claiming the United States has legal authority to take $20 Billion from a foreign-based public corporation which employees thousands of workers in this country and directly affects tens of thousands more and redistribute it as they see fit to anyone impacted financially by the spill. On the face of it this action usurps due process and the legal system in total. This from the administration that wants to give enemy combatants a "fair trial" in US courts. It's pretty obvious whose side Bara Bama is on, and its likely this thing is going to get ugly in the courts when BP decides to start disputing bogus claims.

The underlying message is, "Don't blame Obama." While I could have supported this (and did) during the first few weeks after the spill, Bama's actions since he decided to finally get involved have been devastating. He's been everything but a leader, deflecting blame by way of his incest partners in the media to anyone else, including President Bush. He might have blamed God except he thinks he is the second coming. I'm sure it was difficult for him yesterday to have to admit he could not personally "Dive to the bottom of the ocean and plug the leak with (his) finger or suck up all the oil with a straw." If I was sitting next to him at that point I would have tore him a new one. He has threatened indiscriminately and been visibly annoyed with the concerns of everyday people. And he has actively divided, pitting environmentalists against oil workers against fishermen against British Petroleum against the whole of the American people against everyone else on the planet. Good job, prick.

The thing to remember tonight is that Barack Obama is a brazen liar. From the first time he sat on Leno's couch he has been dishonest about who he is, what he believes, and how he intends to get things done. Thus far the "Free Press" has maintained its complicity in this scam perpetrated against every US citizen, but as the barrel count rises that bond will show its cracks and start to leak. Maybe he'll be able to plug it with his finger, maybe not. November will tell us how much of this barrel of hope and change we are able to swallow.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Well, the spill isn't any better after the cap, but that slick operator Bama had a plan B. Instead he met with common folk - people he has no understanding of - to harvest their sad stories and then relay them himself back to the press. Referring to these hard-working men by their first names as if he'd known them all his life, Bama tried to become a man of the people. Money quote: "Even when I'm not here, I'm thinking of you." He might have just said what he actually believes: "God is watching, and he works through me alone." Nobody's gonna believe him. As much as he wants to be, he's not Bill Clinton.

Then he goes on to tear into BP, trying to voice the people's frustration that is actually focused just as much on him as BP, and threatens more lawsuits without actually saying the word.

If he'd just seemed to care early on we could live with what should be an obvious fact that he can't do anything personally to stop the spill - this is BP operation to the finish. But he had to stumble and resent the imposition of the event and then overreact and now he's compounded problems ten times over with the decisions he has made.

Hey Bama, STOP, you idiot!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Media Whore-In-Chief

The Administration announced last night that Bama has once again postponed/canceled his trip to Indonesia and Australia. He did the same thing in March when he want to stick around and mug for cameras and distribute superlatives when the Health Care albatross was about to be passed. Indonesia and Australia must not be very important if he keeps canceling for photo ops. Most likely he just considers that trip a vacation, and since he's already taking so many vacations, playing golf and basketball every week and hosting elaborate and expensive parties at the White House at taxpayer expense, he doesn't feel the pressing need to get on Air Force One for 20 hours just to show his daughters the Eastern Hemisphere.

Now he's doing it because he wants to be in Louisiana today to take credit for BP's first successful effort to reduce the amount of oil vomiting into the Gulf. Not that he had anything to do with it. Let me rephrase that for effect: Barack Obama had absolutely nothing to do with today's successful siphoning strategy. Quite the opposite, in fact. By continually belittling BP, the media, and the American People (he had the gall to refer to affected fishermen in the Gulf pleas for help "Unfair"), Bama has contributed to the negative impact of the spill. If he would have just stayed the F out of the way and let BP and Governor Jindal do what was necessary, the situation might be very different. But instead, He stonewalled Jindal on the sand berm plan and then sent Holder out there to start ginning up lawsuits against BP, all the while publicly condemning all oil drilling and then shutting down 40% of the industry, further exacerbating the economic situation in the region and directly causing the loss of thousands of jobs.

What this President has done in response to the problem represents perhaps the greatest failure of leadership in the history of this country. We're way beyond Jimmy Carter failure now. Barack has moved into the land of Buchanan and Taylor.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Oil And The Slick Science

For what it's worth - not much! - I do not fault Bama at all for what's happening in the Gulf. This was not the Campaigner-In-Chief's oversight, and there's not a lot he personally can do about it.

What has been telling, and frankly predictable, with this whole mess is the media response. It goes without saying that had this happened under Bush' watch there would have been an immediate coordinated media response with the sole purpose of annihilating the President and exposing all of his "Big Oil" connections as true villains. But that did not happen this time for obvious reasons. It is only in the last couple weeks as the environmentalist left's anger over the spill has burst the pipeline of liberal talking points running from the Administration to the major media outlets that concern has leaked into the airwaves saturating the general public. I hear it every morning on that liberal safe haven NPR.

How much damage this will cause Bama is irrelevant. Its not like lefties are gonna pull the lever for a Republican despite Bama's seemingly stunning lack of leadership on this issue. Last week, on the verge of a likely fix, Bama called a press conference and took responsibility for the fix, Now that that has failed, any guess on how much distance the administration is already negotiating with their buddies in the press to put between the Chief and BP? Bama has proven he is all too willing to say one thing and do another - remember the Health Care Summit when he promised to delay action to consider Republican concerns and then signed the bill two weeks later?

The real wonder is how long he can survive as the Teflon President. Already the slick science of journalism is showing cracks against him for his total disregard for public opinion - they still work within the capitalist model even if he does not, and they cannot protect him indefinitely while viewership/readership continues to sink like BPs stock price. That relationship suffers more everyday for its incestuous proclivity, and Americans are not blind to it.