Friday, July 24, 2009

"I don't have all the facts," claims Bama.

Yet he's all too willing to pass judgment on the police who arrested his buddy. I think what really got busted in this incident was Harvard elitism, and thank God for that. Now, If I had to break into my own home and my neighbor called the cops and they came and started asking me a bunch of questions, I'd get pissed, too. But I'd find my license or my passport or my old college ID card or even a picture of me off the mantle to show them I was who I claimed to be. This guy apparently wasn't willing to do that, instead going for the old "This is what happens to a black man in America" line. Dude, just show them the picture of you shaking hands with President Bama. Oh wait, that might actually be evidence that you are a criminal.

Bama doesn't have most of the facts, but that matters little. He'll stuff all this nonsense out there without knowing even what's in these bills he intends to sign, and only when the few conservatives or honest libs in the media actually start to read one of them do the had questions get asked. "I'm not familiar with that," says Bama. Too bad for all of us.

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