Monday, May 9, 2011

Why Are Lefties So Thick-Headed?

On November 18 of last year, under a post entitled, "High Speed Rail: Pros & Cons", I wrote the following:

- Security is impossible. First of all, nobody has brought up the ominous prospect of installing and operating TSA-like security at every train depot. Imagine airport TSA issues times a hundred in terms of cost and manpower and logistics and delays. And don’t forget unions!
- It will be a simple matter for terrorists to walk up to any length of track in the middle of nowhere Wisconsin and put a bomb on the track and detonate it from the comfort of a sunny hillside and watch the speeding train pile into the surrounding fields and kill hundreds or more. If I have thought of this, trust me, terrorists already have stretches of track in mind. They’re just waiting for Obama to supply them with human targets.

Obviously, security is a huge con, just like the con liberals are trying to pull with their rail initiatives.

Well, it didn't take long for all the libs to start calling for more security at train stations. Here's Chuck Schumer from New York:

If you read that piece it references notes found at Bin Laden's compound detailing ways to attack trains. Sometimes I hate it when I'm right, but someone has to explain it to the thick-headed left.

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