Monday, March 21, 2011

The Battle For America's Future Is Being Fought Right Here In Wisconsin, Right Now

If you haven’t noticed, lately there has been a dramatic shift in strategy from the far left. They have been backed into a corner as Americans in overwhelming majority have decried out of control government spending. This is an affront to the thing progressives hold most dear – their communist agenda. If you think that’s ridiculous rhetoric just ask yourself what happened to all that “stimulus” money, or look in the local paper and see what’s going on here in Wisconsin. The left sees 50 years of effort building the foundation of a worker’s paradise crumbling under its own unsustainable weight, and they’ve invested far too much energy to allow a simple thing like the will of the awakened American people to F--- it up now.

The chosen tactic is nothing new – it may be the oldest play they have: Class Warfare.

The rhetoric is in crescendo, with Michael Moore and other far-left whacko pundits trumpeting the call. If there are only two options to solving the country’s impending insolvency – cut spending or raise taxes – the left has clearly and proudly chosen their path. But of course they can’t raise everyone’s taxes – that wouldn’t be fair, so go after the rich. In a sense the left is smart about these things – they never miss an opportunity to highlight the spectacular oversights of wealthy people, especially when those people happen to be heads of large corporations, and since Obama took power there has been plenty of fodder. Can anyone say “conspiracy?” Obama has never had to answer the questions regarding his bailouts of the banks and the egregious bonuses paid out in the wake. Maybe he was just giving out rope, but his hands are as dirty as anyone else’s. I've heard several interviews on NPR with authors of new anti-capitalism books - you can't tell me this isn't a highly coordinated effort. The DNC is game-planning the whole charade, I guarantee it.

We’re fortunate in Wisconsin to be at ground zero for this battle. I’m optimistic that as a constituency we will eventually get tired of the drama and emotion play and come to our rational senses, which are clearly inclined toward reduced spending. But the far-left is nothing if not patient and tireless, and they are also not at all ashamed of lying or making up stories to invoke a desired response. My guess is this will be a long struggle, and I pray that we have the fortitude to see it through. Having Walker leading the charge is extremely helpful, but it’s the same reason the left is demonizing him so hard right now – they know he has both hands on the curtain and how dangerous that makes him to their grand design.

Fire Drills In Summer

Today there were “organized” walk outs by students in the La Crosse county public schools in support of teachers. Does anyone buy that? Students standing up for teacher’s rights. I just can’t imagine this being a significant motivator, at least not beyond the typical emotional level that only serves to confuse the issue.

Anyone who was ever a student knows that at least 90% of these kids are just taking any excuse to get out of classes for an hour or a day, and could care less what the reason is. I would have been the same way. The fact that teachers are encouraging this behavior is truly troubling, and speaks to the high degree of institutional indoctrination to liberalism going on in public schools. More than ever Wisconsin schools are little more than converted sausage factories for grinding out liberals. Of course they are in desperation mode now that the writing is on the wall. It’s like when a dictator is about to be deposed and he fires every missile he has because he knows he can’t take them with him – the unions are going apeshit trying to collect as many dues as possible before the tide really does turn on them.

That can’t be far off. According to a new Rasmussen poll, two-thirds of Wisco voters side with the unions on the CBA issue but also want teachers to take benefit or pay cuts. Read through the spin and it’s crystal clear that the overwhelming majority are actually on Walker’s side of the argument, they are just confused by the emotional subterfuge on performance. Susan Sarandon – are you f---ing kidding me?? Enough with the dog and pony show, people, figure it out already.

Everybody likes fire drills in summer – that’s all these kids are doing.

Obama's Whatever-It-Is

Tuned in to NPR this morning to catch some progressive complaining about Obama’s decision to hit Libya with missiles over the weekend. He said the action was against the law, unconstitutional, and hypocritical, and reminiscent of the Bush “Neo-Con” approach to foreign policy.

I disagree – Bush would not have waited two weeks to see which European nation was willing to take the blame if things went wrong, almost guaranteeing that things will go wrong. The world is going to blame the US regardless. During those two weeks Qaddafi has basically destroyed the rebels ability to wage an effective resistance, reducing them to a handful of strongholds with limited influence. Had US strikes been initiated 2 weeks ago the rebels might have had a chance, but the Vacillator-In-Chief would not commit.

If anything this should remind us of Clinton-era actions: a lathering of Tomahawk cruise missiles with very little substantive effect except to deflect the media’s probing eyes away from his personal affairs at the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. In this case Obama is relatively scandal free – not for lack of material but rather that the media simply does not want to expose him for the outright awful leader he is. He pulled the same nonsense with Afghanistan – waiting 6 weeks to make a time-sensitive decision to put more boots on the ground in Afghanistan and then shorting McCrystal by 25% of his requested troops. The general did not just pull a number out of thin air – history is already proving he needed every man, but no, Obama knew better, and clearly this tactic of waiting for the rebels to be nearly wiped out before putting in a pittance of support is all part of Obama’s strategy for success, whatever that means, and we don’t know because Obama hasn’t told us. Bush at least had goals and we understood them. Obama, like Clinton, is just firing missiles at soft targets. Maybe he’s hoping – Yes We Can and all that.

If Qaddafi is deposed and the rebels topple the dictatorship it will be a lucky break for Obama and the US at this point. He’ll deserve some small praise for having made the decision at all. Don’t get me wrong – unlike many “progressives” I want our actions to have effect and a positive outcome. It will be very interesting to see how liberals respond to this whether it goes favorably or not. If the guest on NPR is an indicator they are at least starting out consistent.

*Edit - My wife has MSNBC on right now - that annoying Ed show, and he's all for this war. Figures.

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Wisconsin Liberals Are Really Rejecting

Their own Rights!

It isn't about the benefits because the unions know they've lost that battle; now they fight for their very survival. At the heart of the issue is an honest question: Are unions relevant in today's economy? We're talking primarily about teachers now, because although other union workers are impacted the term "teacher" still strikes an emotional chord for a majority of Americans, even as quality of education in Wisconsin continues to decline. What's amazing about that is that while our state's student test scores sink from a once-lofty perch, a huge percentage of people side with teachers against their own self-interests, and an even split sides with unions.

Clearly this is another case where the Media-arm of the regressive Left in this country has once again successfully managed a campaign of malicious misinformation and character assassination. You don't have to look too far to see many of the notable liars, including CNN and Madison's own Capitol Times. They brazenly spout the most preposterous nonsense, and when called out they have the gall to claim they were misrepresented when they misrepresented on TV or print, as if they thought nobody bothered to fact check. Just go to to read the list.

The most prominent example is the flagrant use of the word "right." As in, collective bargaining rights. Nowhere in the state or federal constitutions is collective bargaining granted as a right, and I doubt any good "progressive" would dare say she inherited the right to collectively bargain from God. What is a right? "Being in accordance with what is just, good, or proper." That could apply to just about anything, but in this case we must consider what the CBA actually accomplishes.

The CBA creates a legally-binding framework for union workforce benefit increases. In this case we're talking about employees of the State of Wisconsin whose benefits are paid for by the taxpayers of Wisconsin. If these people are my "friends and neighbors," as the flaming pundits like to say, then they are effectively taking money out my pocket every week and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

Furthermore, terrible teachers - and every one of us could name half a dozen off the tops of our heads - are rewarded the same as excellent teachers. How is that fair? What say do those represented by the CBA actually have? None. Union bosses dictate terms and take a heavy slice off the top. I don't understand how any educator could think that was a good thing, but that's probably why the public schools in this state are in decline.

When people are actually confronted by this reality, and Governor Walker has tried, they fail to see the reason anyway because they are worked into this emotional frenzy by the whips whose job it is to make sure the will of the people as dictated last November is circumvented.

Make no mistake, this is all about Democrat power, as their greatest cash provider is public and private unions.

The ridiculous thing is Walker isn't decertifying unions with this bill, all he's doing is empowering those affected by unions with the right to vote to continue under the union! So the protesters are actually protesting against their own voice in favor of the union! How does that make any sense to anyone?? Union bosses are terrified their own people won't want them, and so it goes in Madison.

This is truly a sad state of affairs. I just pray that Walker sticks to his principles and lets the Democrats continue to not have any.